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0723 236107
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Contul meu
Cosul meu
Creeaza cont
Oferte speciale
Produse noi
Despre noi
Metode de personalizare
Promotionale de iarna
Promotionale de iarna
Promotionale Craciun
Pachete gourmet de Craciun
Pachete gourmet de Craciun
Promotionale ECO
Promotionale ECO
Agende si notesuri
Genti si sacose
Plante & Seminte
Powerbank solar
Alte produse
Promotionale WOW
Tricouri Polo
Rochii si fuste
Sosete & Lenjerie intima
Textile copil/bebe
Fulare si esarfe
Jachete / Geci
Prosoape & Halate
Echipamente de lucru si protectie
Echipamente de bucatarie
Textile tehnice sportive
Accesorii, curele, cravate, butoni
Agende / Organizer/ Jurnal
Notes / Sticky Notes
Notes hartie din piatra
Ecusoane/ Insigne
Suport carti de vizita/ carduri
Promotionale antistress
Calendar de perete
Calendar de birou
Calculatoare de birou
Suport de pix
Trofee/ medalii/ plachete
Laser Point
Alte accesorii
Lampi de birou
Umbrele pliabile
Umbrele de plaja
Alte accesorii
Genti & Calatorie
Genti & Calatorie
Geanta de conferinta / documente
Genti de calatorie
Genti sport
Genti de plaja
Genti de cosmetice
Genti termoizolante
Rucsac & Geanta de laptop
Sacose de cumparaturi din material textil
Sacose pliabile cu tematica
Sacose de cumparaturi din material netesut
Pungi din hartie
Seturi de calatorie
Accesorii calatorie
Rucsacuri tip sac
Rucsacuri copii
Accesorii bauturi
Accesorii bauturi
Pahare plastic
Cani plastic
Cani metalice
Cani ceramica
Promotionale cafea
Promotionale ceai
Accesorii bere
Accesorii whisky
Accesorii vin
Seturi cadou de vin
Alte accesorii
Cani sticla
Biscuite/ suport
Sticle retro
Cani si pahare cu pereti dubli
Pahare Champagne & accesorii
Sport & Timp Liber
Sport & Timp Liber
Picnic & Camping
Accesorii de gratar
Activity Tracker
Sticle sport
Accesorii diverse
Cosuri termice pliabile
Scaune pliabile de exterior
Paturi picnic
Modele de gratare
Tehnologie & Accesorii
Tehnologie & Accesorii
Accesorii telefon
Huse Tablete
Mouse si mousepad
Selfie Stick
Alte accesorii
Vezi mai multe
Creeaza cont
Oferte speciale
Produse noi
Promotionale de iarna
Toate produsele
Promotionale Craciun
Pachete gourmet de Craciun
Pachete gourmet de Craciun
Promotionale ECO
Toate produsele
Agende si notesuri
Genti si sacose
Plante & Seminte
Powerbank solar
Alte produse
Promotionale WOW
Toate produsele
Tricouri Polo
Rochii si fuste
Sosete & Lenjerie intima
Textile copil/bebe
Fulare si esarfe
Jachete / Geci
Prosoape & Halate
Echipamente de lucru si protectie
Echipamente de bucatarie
Textile tehnice sportive
Accesorii, curele, cravate, butoni
Toate produsele
Agende / Organizer/ Jurnal
Notes / Sticky Notes
Notes hartie din piatra
Ecusoane/ Insigne
Suport carti de vizita/ carduri
Promotionale antistress
Calendar de perete
Calendar de birou
Calculatoare de birou
Suport de pix
Trofee/ medalii/ plachete
Laser Point
Alte accesorii
Lampi de birou
Toate produsele
Umbrele pliabile
Umbrele de plaja
Alte accesorii
Genti & Calatorie
Toate produsele
Geanta de conferinta / documente
Genti de calatorie
Genti sport
Genti de plaja
Genti de cosmetice
Genti termoizolante
Rucsac & Geanta de laptop
Sacose de cumparaturi din material textil
Sacose pliabile cu tematica
Sacose de cumparaturi din material netesut
Pungi din hartie
Seturi de calatorie
Accesorii calatorie
Rucsacuri tip sac
Rucsacuri copii
Accesorii bauturi
Toate produsele
Pahare plastic
Cani plastic
Cani metalice
Cani ceramica
Promotionale cafea
Promotionale ceai
Accesorii bere
Accesorii whisky
Accesorii vin
Seturi cadou de vin
Alte accesorii
Cani sticla
Biscuite/ suport
Sticle retro
Cani si pahare cu pereti dubli
Pahare Champagne & accesorii
Sport & Timp Liber
Toate produsele
Picnic & Camping
Accesorii de gratar
Activity Tracker
Sticle sport
Accesorii diverse
Cosuri termice pliabile
Scaune pliabile de exterior
Paturi picnic
Modele de gratare
Vezi mai multe
Despre noi
Metode de personalizare
Copii & Jocuri
Jucarii copii
Arata filtre
Toate produsele
Produse noi
Lichidare stoc
A (orange)
alb, albastru
alb, negru
alb, portocaliu
alb, roz
alb, verde
B (white)
BL (blue royal)
black berry
Dark natural
G (yellow)
light blue
Light green
milky white
N (black)
navy blue
pastel blue
pastel green
pastel orange
pastel purple
pastel rose
purple (violet)
R (red)
royal blue
standard-blue PP
standard-blue PP/white
standard-blue PS/standard-green
standard-blue PS/standard-yellow
standard-blue PS/white
trend-blue PP
trend-green PP
trend-orange PP
trend-red PP
trend-yellow PP
V (green)
VA (acid green)
White - Blue
White - Green
White - Red
one size
30,0 cm
7,5 cm
4,5 cm
5,5 cm
Standard option
6,0 cm
8,0 cm
Ø 10 cm
Ø 18,0 cm
Ø 6,5 cm
Ø 8,0 cm
Ø 9,0 cm
10,0 cm
11,5 cm
15,0 cm
21,0 cm
5,9 cm
6,6 cm
8,3 cm
8,5 cm
9,5 cm
Stoc minim
Pret minim
Pret maxim
Termen de livrare maxim (zile)
Cuvant cheie
Dimensiuni cutie cos
0 x 0 x 0
35 x 30 x 32
43 x 54,5 x 33
Dimensiuni cutie
0.395x0.315x0.314 m
0.450X0.410X0.280 m
0.520X0.430X0.370 m
0.545x0.415x0.275 m
1.800X1.200X0.800 m
0.5 cm
1 cm
2.2 cm
11,5 x 8 x 3,8 cm
12 X 12 X 1.2
13 x 4,5 cm
13.00 X 0.00 X 0.00 cm
13.5 x 10 x 0.5 cm
14,5 x 4,9 x 2,9 cm
15 x 10,5 x 6,5 cm
15 x 15 cm
15 X 5.5 X 8.5
15.70 X 3.60 X 0.00 cm
16 x 9 cm
17,4 x 6,8 x 5,5 cm
18.50 X 3.10 X 5.20 cm
19.00 X 3.00 X 4.50 cm
2.80 X 0.00 X 0.00 cm
20 x 14 x 1,5 cm
20,8 x 20,8 x 5 cm
20.9 X 14.6 X 0.2
200 cm
23,3 x 16 x 0,1 cm
27.5 X 11 X 6
27.8 X 16.8 X 0.5
3,6 x 3,6 x 3,6 cm
3.50 X 4.50 X 0.00 cm
30 X 22 X 0.5
300 x 2.2 x 2.2 x ø 2.2 cm
32.5 x 34 x 1 cm
33,2 x 18,9 x 5 cm
35 x 45 cm
365 x 400 x 20 mm (dartboard) ; ⌀ 74 x 387 (tube)
4 x 4,2 x 4 cm
4,4 x 4,4 x 4,4 cm
405 x 505 mm
42 x 42 x 63 cm
47 x 48,5 x 12 cm
5 x 5 x 9,5 cm
5,3 x 5,3 x 5 cm
5.50 X 2.80 X 0.00 cm
5.50 X 3.50 X 0.00 cm
6.50 X 5.00 X 3.50 cm
66 x 21 x 2,7 cm
7.20 X 3.70 X 4.30 cm
7.3 X 6.4 X 6.6
7.70 X 3.10 X 2.90 cm
8.3 X 7.2 X 7.5
8.30 X 3.10 X 2.20 cm
8.30 X 3.50 X 2.70 cm
9 metre trail; approx. 60 x 18 x 36 cm
9.5 X 10.5 X 2.5
? approx. 22 cm
? approx. 45 cm, height: approx. 53 cm, max. load capacity 150 kg
? approx. 5 cm
? approx. 5 cm, length: approx. 35 cm
? approx. 6 cm
?tag?re: height approx. 23 cm; ? approx. 16 cm
Airplane: approx. 25 x 11 x 8,5 cm
Apple: approx. 6,5 x 6 x 2 cm, banana: approx. 11 x 5 x 2 cm
approx. 0,5 x 0,5 x 0,5 cm
approx. 1 x 1 x 1 cm
approx. 10 cm, ? ca. 20 cm
approx. 10 x 1,5 x 7 cm
approx. 10 x 10 x 2.5 cm
Approx. 10 x 10 x 3 cm
approx. 10 x 10 x 7 cm
approx. 10 x 10 x 9 cm
approx. 10 x 14 x 27 cm
approx. 10 x 2 x 14 cm
approx. 10 x 2.5 x 6.5 cm
approx. 10 x 3 x 2 cm
approx. 10 x 3,5 x 7 cm
Approx. 10 x 4 x 9 cm
Approx. 10 x 4.5 x 5 cm
approx. 10 x 5 x 5 cm, the smallest approx. 4 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm
approx. 10 x 5 x 5 cm, the smallests approx. 4 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm
approx. 10 x 5 x 5 cm, least approx. 4 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm
approx. 10 x 6 x 7 cm
approx. 10 x 6 x 8 cm
approx. 10 x 6 x 9.5 cm
approx. 10 x 7 x 1.5 cm
approx. 10 x 7 x 12 cm
approx. 10 x 7 x 8.5 cm
approx. 10 x 7,5 x 1,5 cm
approx. 10 x 9 x 11 cm
approx. 10 x 9 x 5 cm
Approx. 10.5 x 10 x 10 cm
Approx. 100 x 25 x 100 cm, Seat height approx. 75 cm, max. load capacity: 80 kg
Approx. 100 x 25 x 100 cm, Seat height approx. 75 cm; Max. load capacity: 80 kg
approx. 100 x 29 x 100 cm, working height: approx. 50 cm
approx. 100 x 48 x 34 cm
approx. 100 x 50 x 7,5 cm
approx. 104 x 33 x 58 cm, seat height approx. 35 cm, max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 105 x 105 x 125 cm
approx. 105 x 105 x 169 cm
approx. 106 x 40 x 106 cm, working height approx. 60 cm
approx. 108 x 52 x 24 cm
approx. 11 x 11 x 10 cm
approx. 11 x 3 x 3 cm
approx. 11 x 4,5 x 5 cm
Approx. 11 x 4.5 x 5 cm
approx. 11 x 5 x 10 cm
approx. 11 x 5 x 3 cm
approx. 11 x 5 x 5 cm
approx. 11 x 5 x 6 cm
approx. 11 x 5.5 x 8 cm
approx. 11 x 6.5 x 2.5 cm
approx. 11 x 6.5 x 7.5 cm
approx. 11 x 7 x 2 cm
approx. 11 x 7 x 20 cm
approx. 11 x 7 x 7 cm
approx. 11 x 7.5 x 2 cm
approx. 11 x 8 x 10 cm
approx. 11 x 8 x 2 cm
approx. 11 x 9 x 5 cm
approx. 11 x 9.5 x 3.5 cm
approx. 110 x 61 x 57 cm, drawbar: 85 cm seat height 30 cm, max. load capacity 80 kg
approx. 116 x 20 x 28 cm
approx. 118 x 62 x 79 cm, height of the football field 75 cm
approx. 119 x 82 x 41 cm, desk height approx. 37 cm
approx. 12 x 10 x 17 cm
approx. 12 x 10 x 3 cm
approx. 12 x 10 x 8 cm
approx. 12 x 12 x 1 cm
approx. 12 x 12 x 1.5 cm
approx. 12 x 12 x 12 cm
approx. 12 x 12 x 2.5 cm
approx. 12 x 12 x 36 cm
approx. 12 x 12 x 7 cm
approx. 12 x 2.5 x 12 cm
approx. 12 x 25 x 54 cm
approx. 12 x 3 x 9.5 cm
approx. 12 x 4,5 x 4 cm
approx. 12 x 5 x 5.5 cm
approx. 12 x 5 x 6 cm
approx. 12 x 6,5 x 1,5 cm
approx. 12 x 7 x 9 cm
Approx. 12 x 8 x 9 cm
approx. 12 x 9 x 5 cm
approx. 12 x 9,5 x 37 cm
approx. 120 x 16 x 17 cm, engine shed approx. 23 x 13 x 10 cm
approx. 123 x 69 x 90 cm
approx. 13 x 10 x 34 cm
approx. 13 x 10 x 4 cm
approx. 13 x 11 x 68 cm
approx. 13 x 12 x 2 cm
approx. 13 x 13 x 13 cm
approx. 13 x 13 x 4,5 cm 1 cube: approx. 4,5 x 4,5 x 4,5 cm
approx. 13 x 13 x 6.5 cm, Height of fitting pieces: approx. 3 cm, ? approx. 3.5 cm
approx. 13 x 2 x 2 cm
approx. 13 x 2 x 3 cm
approx. 13 x 2,5 x 13 cm
approx. 13 x 2.5 x 2 cm
approx. 13 x 3 x 2,5 cm
approx. 13 x 4 x 4 cm
approx. 13 x 5 x 15 cm
approx. 13 x 6 x 10 cm, cube approx. 4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm
approx. 13 x 6 x 6 cm
approx. 13 x 6.5 x 12 cm
approx. 13 x 7.5 x 7 cm
approx. 13 x 8 x 10 cm
Approx. 13 x 8 x 12 cm
approx. 13 x 8 x 7 cm
approx. 13 x 8 x 8 cm
approx. 13 x 8 x 8 cm, cup: approx. 6 x 4 x 2.5 cm
approx. 14 x 0,5 x 18 cm
approx. 14 x 10 x 12 cm
approx. 14 x 10 x 19 cm
approx. 14 x 11 x 15 cm
Approx. 14 x 11 x 24 cm
approx. 14 x 11 x 6.5 cm
approx. 14 x 12 x 1.5 cm
approx. 14 x 12 x 16 cm
approx. 14 x 13 x 11 cm
approx. 14 x 13 x 14
approx. 14 x 14 x 14 cm
approx. 14 x 14 x 19 cm
Approx. 14 x 2.5 x 27 cm
approx. 14 x 3,5 x 20 cm
approx. 14 x 4.5 x 3.5 cm
Approx. 14 x 5 x 6 cm
approx. 14 x 5 x 9 cm
approx. 14 x 6 x 15 cm Cube: approx. 4 x 4 x 4 cm
approx. 14 x 6 x 6 cm
approx. 14 x 8 x 14 cm
approx. 14 x 9 x 15 cm
approx. 14 x 9,5 x 7,5 cm
Approx. 14.5 x 10.5 x 1 cm
Approx. 14.5 x 14.5 x 2 cm
Approx. 14.5 x 4 x 1 cm
approx. 15 x 10 x 5 cm, skimmer: approx. 14 x 2.5 cm
approx. 15 x 11 cm
approx. 15 x 11 x 2,5 cm
approx. 15 x 11 x 3,5 cm
approx. 15 x 11 x 6 cm
approx. 15 x 13 x 25 cm
approx. 15 x 14 x 4 cm
approx. 15 x 15 x 18 cm
approx. 15 x 15 x 28 cm
approx. 15 x 15 x 29 cm, height of the board 16 cm
approx. 15 x 15 x 29 cm, height of the board 16 cm
approx. 15 x 15 x 5 cm
approx. 15 x 16 x 3.5 cm
approx. 15 x 3,5 x 4 cm
approx. 15 x 5 x 11 cm
approx. 15 x 5 x 13 cm
approx. 15 x 8 x 8,5 cm
approx. 15 x 8,5 x 5,5 cm
approx. 15 x 9 x 5.5 cm
approx. 150 x 100 x 0.5 cm
Approx. 150 x 100 x 0.5 cm
Approx. 16 x 10 x 13 cm; Wooden blocks approx. 5 x 3 x 1.5 cm
approx. 16 x 10 x 18 cm
approx. 16 x 12 x 17 cm
approx. 16 x 15 x 12 cm
approx. 16 x 15 x 7 cm
Approx. 16 x 16 x 16 cm
approx. 16 x 18 x 13 cm, fitting pieces: approx. 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm
approx. 16 x 2 x 8 cm
approx. 16 x 4 x 2 cm
approx. 16 x 5 x 16 cm
approx. 16 x 6 x 6,5 cm
approx. 16 x 7 x 10 cm
approx. 16 x 7 x 15 cm
approx. 16 x 7 x 17 cm
approx. 16 x 7.5 x 11 cm
approx. 16 x 9 x 3 cm
Approx. 16 x 9.5 x 1 cm
approx. 16 x 9.5 x 7.5 cm
approx. 160 x 76 x 80 cm, play height approx. 78 cm
Approx. 17 x 11 x 0.2 cm, Puzzle piece: approx. 4 x 4 x 0.2 cm
approx. 17 x 13 x 1,5 cm
approx. 17 x 15 x 5 cm
approx. 17 x 15 x 8,5 cm
approx. 17 x 17 x 14 cm
approx. 17 x 17 x 2 cm
approx. 17 x 17 x 4 cm
approx. 17 x 17 x 9,5 cm
approx. 17 x 18 x 28 cm
approx. 17 x 3 x 3 cm
approx. 17 x 5 x 3.5 cm
approx. 17 x 6 x 7,5 cm
approx. 17 x 6.5 x 5 cm
approx. 17 x 9 x 18 cm
approx. 17 x 9 x 20 cm
approx. 17 x 9,5 x 17 cm
Approx. 17.5 x 4 x 1 cm
approx. 17?x?17?x 14?cm
Approx. 18 cm, ? ca. 1.5 cm
Approx. 18 x 10 x 15 cm
approx. 18 x 10 x 20 cm
approx. 18 x 11 x 15 cm
approx. 18 x 11 x 26 cm
approx. 18 x 11 x 4 cm
approx. 18 x 13 x 8 cm
approx. 18 x 14 x 16 cm
approx. 18 x 14 x 27 cm
approx. 18 x 15 x 1,5 cm
approx. 18 x 15 x 18 cm doll: approx. 4 x 1 x 10 cm
approx. 18 x 15 x 2 cm; Bee: approx. 7 x 1 x 8.3 cm
approx. 18 x 16 x 2 cm
approx. 18 x 18 x 2.5 cm
approx. 18 x 18 x 5 cm
approx. 18 x 5.5 x 11 cm
approx. 18 x 9 x 21 cm
approx. 19 x 11 x 5 cm
approx. 19 x 12 x 12 cm
approx. 19 x 12 x 15 cm
approx. 19 x 12 x 18 cm
approx. 19 x 12 x 22 cm
approx. 19 x 13 x 11 cm
approx. 19 x 13 x 34 cm
Approx. 19 x 13 x 7 cm
approx. 19 x 14 x 3 cm
approx. 19 x 14 x 7 cm
approx. 19 x 15 x 20 cm
approx. 19 x 17 x 6 cm
Approx. 19 x 18 x 19 cm
approx. 19 x 2 x 3 cm
approx. 19 x 22 x 1 cm
approx. 19 x 3 x 3 cm
approx. 19 x 3 x 9 cm
approx. 19 x 5 x 14 cm
approx. 19 x 7,5 x 17 cm
approx. 19 x 8 x 14 cm
approx. 19 x 9 x 17 cm
approx. 19 x 9 x 18 cm
approx. 19 x 9,5 x 14 cm
approx. 2 x 2 x 10 cm
approx. 2.5 x 1.5 x 8 cm
approx. 20 x 10 x 0,5 cm
Approx. 20 x 10 x 17 cm
Approx. 20 x 11 x 12 cm
approx. 20 x 11 x 3 cm
approx. 20 x 13 x 25 cm
Approx. 20 x 14 x 1.5 cm
approx. 20 x 15 x 12.5 cm
Approx. 20 x 15 x 7 cm
approx. 20 x 16 x 14 cm
approx. 20 x 18 x 14 cm
approx. 20 x 19 x 2 cm
approx. 20 x 20 x 1 cm, Game piece height: 4 cm, ? approx. 1.5 cm
Approx. 20 x 20 x 1.5 cm, Pawn height approx. 4 cm, ? approx. 1.5 cm
approx. 20 x 20 x 18 cm
approx. 20 x 20 x 2.5 cm
Approx. 20 x 20 x 27 cm
approx. 20 x 20 x 30 cm
approx. 20 x 20 x 36 cm, height of the board 21 cm
approx. 20 x 20 x 86 cm
approx. 20 x 6 x 11 cm
approx. 20 x 6 x 25 cm, hammer: approx. 17 x 5 x 2 cm
approx. 20 x 7 x 18 cm; arch approx. 20 x 6 cm
approx. 20 x 7 x 18 cm; sword approx. 16 x 5 x 1 cm
approx. 20,5 cm x 9,5 cm x 6 cm
approx. 200 x 103 x 200 cm
approx. 21 x 11 x 3 cm, card approx. 5 x 5 x 1 cm
approx. 21 x 12 x 11 cm
approx. 21 x 12 x 19 cm
approx. 21 x 13 x 19 cm
approx. 21 x 14 x 3,5 cm
approx. 21 x 14 x 3.5 cm
approx. 21 x 20 x 21 cm
approx. 21 x 21 x 1,5 cm
approx. 21 x 21 x 20 cm
Approx. 21 x 21 x 29 cm, height of the board 19 cm
approx. 21 x 5.5 x 4 cm
Approx. 21 x 6 x 11 cm
Approx. 21.5 x 16 x 1 cm
Approx. 21.5 x 4 x 1 cm
approx. 22 x 10 x 26 cm
approx. 22 x 15 x 3 cm
approx. 22 x 18 x 10 cm doll: 9 x 1 x 16 cm
Approx. 22 x 18 x 2.5 cm
approx. 22 x 18 x 6 cm
approx. 22 x 2 x 5,5 cm
approx. 22 x 21 x 25 cm
approx. 22 x 21 x 5.5 cm
Approx. 22 x 22 x 0.5 cm
approx. 22 x 22 x 2 cm
approx. 22 x 32 x 0,5 cm
approx. 22 x 6 x 12 cm
approx. 22 x 6 x 13 cm
approx. 22 x 8 x 12 cm
approx. 23 x 11 x 80 cm
Approx. 23 x 16 x 16 cm
approx. 23 x 17 x 2 cm
approx. 23 x 18 x 15 cm
approx. 23 x 18 x 4 cm
approx. 23 x 2,5 x 3 cm
approx. 23 x 22 x 0.5 cm
approx. 23 x 23 x 11 cm
Approx. 23 x 4 x 1 cm
approx. 23 x 8 x 40 cm
approx. 23 x 9 x 10 cm
approx. 24 x 10 x 8 cm
approx. 24 x 11 x 21 cm
approx. 24 x 12 x 15 cm
approx. 24 x 15 x 16 cm
approx. 24 x 15 x 17 cm
approx. 24 x 16 x 1,5 cm
approx. 24 x 19 x 2,5 cm
approx. 24 x 22 x 19 cm
approx. 24 x 24 x 1,5 cm
Approx. 24 x 24 x 14 cm
approx. 24 x 3,5 x 2 cm; cow: approx. 3 x 3 x 1 cm
approx. 24 x 3,5 x 2 cm; sheep: approx. 3 x 3 x 1 cm
approx. 24 x 4 x 4 cm
Approx. 24 x 6 x 12 cm, disk: height: approx. 2 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
approx. 24 x 7,5 x 3 cm
approx. 24 x 7.5 x 16 cm
approx. 24 x 9,5 x 7 cm
approx. 25 x 10 x 29 cm
approx. 25 x 10 x 40 cm
Approx. 25 x 10.5 x 1 cm
approx. 25 x 13 x 10 cm
Approx. 25 x 14 x 15 cm
approx. 25 x 14 x 4 cm
approx. 25 x 15 x 26 cm
Approx. 25 x 16 x 11 cm
approx. 25 x 16 x 12 cm
approx. 25 x 16 x 3 cm
approx. 25 x 17 x 3 cm
approx. 25 x 18 x 16 cm
approx. 25 x 18 x 2 cm
approx. 25 x 20 x 18 cm
approx. 25 x 21 x 1 cm
approx. 25 x 22 x 2 cm
approx. 25 x 22 x 8,5 cm
approx. 25 x 25 x 1.5 cm
approx. 25 x 25 x 2.5 cm
approx. 25 x 25 x 25 cm
approx. 25 x 25 x 45 cm, height of the board 24 cm
approx. 25 x 25 x 72 cm
approx. 25 x 5 x 21 cm
approx. 25 x 6,5 x 17 cm
approx. 25 x 9 x 12 cm
approx. 25 x 9 x 28 cm
approx. 26 x 11 x 15 cm
approx. 26 x 12 x 88 cm
approx. 26 x 16 x 1.5 cm
Approx. 26 x 23 x 6.5 cm
approx. 26 x 26 x 2 cm
Approx. 26 x 26 x 54 cm
Approx. 26 x 32 x 2,5 cm
approx. 26 x 4 x 24 cm
approx. 26 x 5 x 13 cm
approx. 26 x 6 x 10 cm
approx. 26 x 6 x 88 cm, footrest height 23 cm, max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 26 x 8 x 34 cm
approx. 26 x 8 x 8 cm
approx. 27 x 11 x 21 cm
approx. 27 x 12 x 14 cm
approx. 27 x 16 x 13.5 cm
approx. 27 x 17 x 20 cm
approx. 27 x 17 x 26 cm, working height approx. 18 cm
approx. 27 x 18 x 2 cm
approx. 27 x 18 x 4 cm
Approx. 27 x 26 x 13 cm
Approx. 27 x 26 x 6 cm
Approx. 27 x 27 x 46 cm
approx. 27 x 27 x 48 cm, working height: 30 cm
approx. 27 x 5 x 7 cm
approx. 27 x 8,5 x 9,5 cm
approx. 27 x 9 x 9 cm
approx. 27 x 9,5 x 7,5 cm
approx. 28 x 11 x 22 cm, working height: 14 cm
Approx. 28 x 12 x 14 cm
approx. 28 x 15 x 2 cm
approx. 28 x 15 x 24 cm
approx. 28 x 17 x 18 cm
approx. 28 x 18 x 5 cm
approx. 28 x 19 x 4,5 cm
approx. 28 x 19 x 5,5 cm
Approx. 28 x 25 x 6 cm
Approx. 28 x 25 x 8 cm
approx. 28 x 26 x 13 cm
approx. 28 x 26 x 4 cm
approx. 28 x 27 x 26 cm
approx. 28 x 28 x 1,5 cm
approx. 28 x 4,5 x 22 cm
approx. 29 x 10 x 25 cm
approx. 29 x 11 x 24 cm
approx. 29 x 12 x 31 cm
approx. 29 x 17 x 18 cm
approx. 29 x 19 x 20 cm
approx. 29 x 20 x 17 cm
approx. 29 x 20 x 4 cm
approx. 29 x 21 x 1 cm
approx. 29 x 21 x 20 cm, doll: approx. 10 x 6 x 3 cm
approx. 29 x 21 x 22 cm, doll: approx. 10 x 6 x 3 cm
approx. 29 x 21 x 22 cm, doll: approx. 10 x 6 x 3 cm
approx. 29 x 21 x 7 cm
approx. 29 x 22 x 2.5 cm
approx. 29 x 22 x 3 cm
approx. 29 x 23 x 16 cm
approx. 29 x 23 x 49 cm
Approx. 29 x 25 x 30 cm, height up to the upper surface 17 cm
approx. 29 x 25 x 48 cm, seat height 24 cm
approx. 29 x 26 x 24 cm
approx. 29 x 29 x 1,5 cm
approx. 29 x 29 x 2,5 cm
approx. 29 x 29 x 31 cm, height of the board 16 cm
approx. 29 x 29 x 31 cm, height of the board 17 cm
approx. 29 x 29 x 5.5 cm
Approx. 29 x 29 x 66 cm
Approx. 29 x 6 x 10 cm
approx. 29 x 8 x 12 cm
approx. 3 x 3 x 11 cm
approx. 3,5 x 2 x 12 cm
approx. 3,5 x 2 x 3,5 cm
approx. 30 x 10 x 29 cm
approx. 30 x 11 x 7,5 cm
approx. 30 x 13 x 13 cm
approx. 30 x 14 x 16 cm
approx. 30 x 15 x 6 cm
approx. 30 x 18 x 3,5 cm
approx. 30 x 20 x 21 cm
approx. 30 x 21 x 2 cm
approx. 30 x 22 x 0,8 cm
approx. 30 x 22 x 1,5 cm
approx. 30 x 22 x 1,5 cm
approx. 30 x 22 x 1.5 cm
approx. 30 x 22 x 2 cm
approx. 30 x 22 x 26 cm, horse: approx. 7.5 x 1.5 x 6.5 cm
approx. 30 x 22 x 4.5 cm
approx. 30 x 24 x 4,5 cm
approx. 30 x 24 x 7 cm
approx. 30 x 25 x 50 cm, seat height 34 cm
approx. 30 x 25 x 7 cm
approx. 30 x 28 x 2.5 cm
approx. 30 x 28 x 29 cm
Approx. 30 x 3.5 x 33 cm
Approx. 30 x 30 x 0.5 cm
Approx. 30 x 30 x 1 cm
approx. 30 x 30 x 2 cm
approx. 30 x 30 x 3 cm
approx. 30 x 30 x 4 cm
approx. 30 x 30 x 54 cm, playing height 30 cm
approx. 30 x 33 x 19 cm
Approx. 30 x 33 x 51 cm, handle height 44 cm
Approx. 30 x 45 x 39 cm
approx. 30 x 64 x 36 cm
approx. 30 x 72 x 36 cm
approx. 30 x 9 x 12 cm
approx. 30 x 9 x 15 cm
approx. 31 x 10 x 4.5 cm
approx. 31 x 16 x 19 cm
approx. 31 x 20 x 26 cm
approx. 31 x 22 x 39 cm
Approx. 31 x 24 x 2 cm
Approx. 31 x 26 x 44 cm; Vehicles approx. 8 x 6 x 5.5 cm
Approx. 31 x 26 x 7 cm
Approx. 31 x 27 x 6.5 cm
approx. 31 x 31 x 54 cm
approx. 32 x 12 x 38 cm
approx. 32 x 13 x 16 cm
approx. 32 x 20 x 40 cm, max. load capacity 15 kg
Approx. 32 x 22 x 10 cm
approx. 32 x 26 x 28 cm
Approx. 32 x 27 x 8 cm
Approx. 32 x 28 x 7.5 cm
approx. 32 x 6 x 8 cm
approx. 32 x 7 x 2 cm
approx. 33 x 16 x 12 cm
approx. 33 x 18 x 43 cm
approx. 33 x 23 x 45 cm, handle height 45 cm
approx. 33 x 24 x 39 cm, handle height 39 cm
approx. 33 x 25 x 29 cm
approx. 33 x 25 x 30 cm
approx. 33 x 29 x 47 cm, handle height 45 cm
approx. 33 x 33 x 44 cm, handle height 42 cm
Approx. 34 x 10 x 14 cm
approx. 34 x 13 x 13 cm
approx. 34 x 14 x 23 cm
Approx. 34 x 15 x 39
approx. 34 x 27 x 1 cm
approx. 34 x 27 x 9.5 cm
approx. 34 x 28 x 52 cm, handle height: 50 cm
approx. 34 x 32 x 48 cm, handle height 46 cm
approx. 34 x 35 x 51 cm, height up to the washing drum 12 cm, height of the board 51 cm
approx. 34 x 35 x 51 cm, working height approx. 50 cm
approx. 34 x 8,5 x 13 cm
approx. 35 x 13 x 17 cm
approx. 35 x 28 x 59 cm, handle height: 59 cm
approx. 35 x 48 x 28 cm; helicopter 9 x 2,5 x 6 cm
approx. 35 x 9 x 31 cm
Approx. 36 x 17 x 37 cm; Working height 20 cm
approx. 36 x 19 x 22 cm, seat height 22 cm
approx. 36 x 29 x 0,5 cm
approx. 36 x 30 x 30 cm, height of the upper surface 19 cm
approx. 36 x 7 x 7 cm
approx. 36 x 8 x 36 cm
approx. 37 x 10 x 54 cm
approx. 37 x 17 x 4 cm
approx. 37 x 26 x 37 cm, handle height 35 cm
approx. 37 x 28 x 39 cm, handle height 39 cm
approx. 37 x 29 x 8,5 cm
approx. 37 x 36 x 41 cm, handle height: 40 cm
approx. 37 x 40 x 67 cm
approx. 38 x 19 x 36 cm
approx. 38 x 37 x 42 cm, handle height 40 cm
approx. 39 x 10 x 38 cm
approx. 39 x 13 x 10 cm
approx. 39 x 13 x 46 cm
approx. 39 x 15 x 6.5 cm
approx. 39 x 30 x 13 cm
approx. 39 x 30 x 36 cm
approx. 39 x 30 x 45 cm, working height approx. 29 cm
approx. 39 x 36 x 82 cm
approx. 39 x 40 x 42 cm, handle height 41 cm
approx. 39 x 7.5 x 5 cm
approx. 4 x 3 x 5 cm
Approx. 4 x 3.5 x 5 cm
approx. 4 x 4 x 16 cm
approx. 4 x 4 x 2 cm
approx. 4 x 4 x 4 cm
approx. 4 x 4 x 6 cm
approx. 4,5 x 4,5 x 10 cm
approx. 4,5 x 4,5 x 7 cm
approx. 4.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm
Approx. 4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm
approx. 40 x 10 x 34 cm
approx. 40 x 20 x 47 cm, handle height 43 cm
approx. 40 x 21 x 2 cm
approx. 40 x 21 x 45 cm, working height approx. 29 cm
approx. 40 x 22 x 1 cm
approx. 40 x 25 x 17 cm
approx. 40 x 25 x 30 cm
approx. 40 x 25 x 31 cm
Approx. 40 x 26 x 49 cm, working height approx. 30 cm
approx. 40 x 27 x 38 cm
approx. 40 x 28 x 17 cm
approx. 40 x 30 x 0.5 cm
approx. 40 x 30 x 1 cm
approx. 40 x 30 x 48 cm, handle height 48 cm
approx. 40 x 31 x 44 cm
approx. 40 x 39 x 44 cm, handle height 41 cm
approx. 40 x 5 x 1,5 cm
approx. 41 x 24 x 3,5 cm
approx. 41 x 26 x 46 cm, height of the handle: 45 cm
approx. 41 x 29 x 1 cm
Approx. 41 x 29 x 48 cm, handle height: 47 cm
approx. 41 x 44 x 1 cm
approx. 42 x 17 x 36 cm
approx. 42 x 25 x 29 cm
approx. 42 x 27 x 20 cm
approx. 42 x 35 x 42 cm
approx. 42 x 39 x 50 cm
approx. 42 x 42 x 52 cm
approx. 42 x 8.5 x 13 cm
approx. 43 x 24 x 47 cm, handle height 35 cm
approx. 43 x 29 x 56 cm, bed: approx. 14 x 11 x 4.5 cm
approx. 44 x 26 x 20 cm
approx. 44 x 34 x 2 cm
Approx. 44 x 44 x 52 cm
approx. 45 x 10 x 34 cm
approx. 45 x 22 x 25 cm
approx. 45 x 22 x 42 cm; working height: 22 cm
approx. 45 x 23 x 41 cm, handle height 40 cm
Approx. 45 x 27 x 91 cm, working height: approx. 45 cm
approx. 45 x 30 x 7,5 cm
approx. 45 x 32 x 2 cm
approx. 45 x 40 x 29 cm
approx. 45 x 45 x 88 cm, working height approx. 45 cm
approx. 46 x 28 x 34 cm
approx. 46 x 29 x 60 cm, handle height 60 cm
Approx. 46 x 40 x 48 cm, working height: 25 cm
Approx. 46 x 44 x 10 cm
approx. 47 x 20 x 3 cm
approx. 47 x 20 x 48 cm
approx. 47 x 47 x 25 cm
approx. 47 x 6 x 18 cm
approx. 48 x 14 x 30 cm
approx. 48 x 33 x 48 cm
Approx. 48 x 36 x 34 cm; working height: 21 cm; max. capacity load approx. 25 kg
approx. 48 x 5,5 x 58 cm
approx. 48 x 6,5 x 8,5 cm
Approx. 48 x 7 x 12 cm
approx. 49 x 10 x 2 cm
Approx. 49 x 27 x 37 cm, seat height: approx 18 cm, max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 5 x 2 x 0,5 cm
approx. 5 x 3 x 2,5 cm
approx. 5 x 3 x 6 cm
approx. 5 x 3,5 x 10 cm
approx. 5 x 3,5 x 6 cm
approx. 5 x 3.5 x 6 cm
approx. 5 x 5 x 8,5 cm
approx. 5,5 x 3,5 x 48 cm
Approx. 5.5 x 4 x 1 cm
approx. 50 x 110 x 38 cm
approx. 50 x 13 x 15 cm
approx. 50 x 14 x 24 cm
approx. 50 x 18 x 24 cm
approx. 50 x 20 x 44 cm
approx. 50 x 21 x 43 cm, seat height approx. 22 cm, max. load capacity: 50 kg
approx. 50 x 28 x 53 cm, handle height 58 cm
Approx. 50 x 30 x 31 cm, seat height approx. 16 cm, max. load capacity 25 kg
approx. 50 x 33 x 42 cm, height of the handle: 41 cm
Approx. 50 x 34 x 38 cm, seat height: approx. 20 cm, max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 50 x 36 x 47 cm, handle height 47 cm
Approx. 50 x 42 cm
approx. 50 x 6,5 x 25 cm
approx. 50 x 60 x 54 cm
approx. 51 x 32 x 52 cm, handle height 52 cm
approx. 51 x 32 x 52 cm, height of the handle: 51 cm
approx. 51 x 49 x 105 cm
approx. 51 x 50 x 10 cm
approx. 52 x 19 x 8 cm
approx. 52 x 22 x 26 cm, filling station: approx. 9 x 3 x 7 cm
approx. 52 x 22 x 27 cm, helicopter: approx. 10 x 5 x 6 cm
approx. 52 x 22 x 28 cm, helicopter: approx. 10 x 5 x 6 cm
approx. 52 x 37 x 35 cm
approx. 52 x 37 x 57 cm, height of the handle: 54 cm
approx. 52 x 49 x 91 cm Height of the board: 48 cm
approx. 53 x 11 x 1,5 cm, Panda: approx. 7,5 x 7 x 1,5 cm
approx. 53 x 12 x 15 cm
approx. 53 x 17 x 5 cm
approx. 53 x 17 x 5,5 cm
approx. 53 x 17 x 6.5 cm
approx. 53 x 35 x 53 cm; height of the handle: 53 cm
approx. 53 x 35 x 54 cm, handle height 53 cm
Approx. 53 x 40 x 74 cm, working height approx. 54 cm
approx. 54 x 10 x 43 cm
approx. 54 x 15 x 20 cm
approx. 54 x 21 x 1,5 cm
approx. 54 x 29 x 51 cm, seat height approx. 23 cm, max. load capacity 30 kg
approx. 54 x 36 x 44 cm
approx. 54 x 56 x 77 cm
approx. 55 x 16 x 2 cm
approx. 55 x 28 x 34 cm, seat height approx. 18 cm, max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 55 x 5.5 x 7,5 cm
Approx. 55 x 52 x 12 cm
approx. 55 x 55 x 47 cm, height of the board 31 cm
approx. 56 x 11 x 13 cm
Approx. 56 x 15 x 13 cm
approx. 56 x 17 x 3 cm
approx. 56 x 30 x 40 cm, seat height: approx: 20 cm, max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 56 x 31 x 28 cm
approx. 56 x 56 x 80 cm
approx. 57 x 25 x 13 cm
approx. 57 x 26 x 51 cm; height of the handle: 41 cm
approx. 57 x 27 x 50 cm, seat height approx. 25 cm, max. load capacity: 50 kg
approx. 57 x 7 x 17 cm, hare: approx. 17 x 7 x 8 cm
approx. 58 x 31 x 40 cm, seat height approx. 22 cm max. load capacity 25 kg
approx. 58 x 35 x 12 cm
Approx. 58 x 58 x 180 cm, max. load capacity 120 kg
approx. 58 x 8 x 17 cm
approx. 58 x 8,5 x 11 cm
approx. 59 x 28 x 64 cm
approx. 59 x 39 x 46 cm
approx. 59 x 39 x 70 cm
approx. 59 x 47 x 7 cm
approx. 6 x 2.5 x 11 cm
Approx. 6 x 3 x 0.5 cm
approx. 6 x 3 x 10 cm
approx. 6 x 3 x 5,5 cm
approx. 6 x 3 x 5.5 cm
approx. 6 x 3 x 7 cm
approx. 6 x 3 x 8 cm
approx. 6 x 3,5 x 3 cm
Approx. 6 x 3.5 x 11 cm
approx. 6 x 4 x 17 cm
approx. 6 x 4,5 x 11 cm
approx. 6 x 4,5 x 12 cm
Approx. 6 x 4.5 x 8 cm
approx. 6 x 5 x 5 cm
approx. 6 x 6 x 23 cm
Approx. 6 x 6 x 6 cm
approx. 6,5 x 3 x 7 cm
approx. 6,5 x 6,5 x 14 cm
Approx. 6.5 x 10.5 x 1 cm
approx. 6.5 x 3 x 1.5 cm
approx. 6.5 x 4 x 6 cm
Approx. 6.5 x 6.5 x 6.5 cm
approx. 60 x 18 x 36 cm
approx. 60 x 22 x 44 cm, seat height approx. 30 cm, max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 60 x 24 x 67 cm
approx. 60 x 26 x 66 cm, height of the handle: 57 cm
Approx. 60 x 30 x 16 cm
Approx. 60 x 34 x 48 cm, handle height: 48 cm
approx. 60 x 35 x 104 cm; play height 49 cm
approx. 60 x 39 x 41 cm
approx. 60 x 39 x 60 cm, max. load capacity 15 kg
approx. 60 x 40 x 100 cm, working height approx. 51 cm
approx. 60 x 42 x 62 cm, working height 60 cm
approx. 60 x 54 x 78 cm, working height approx. 51 cm
approx. 60 x 55 x 80 cm, working height approx. 51 cm
approx. 60 x 6,5 x 5 cm
approx. 61 x 11 x 2 cm
approx. 61 x 14 x 15 cm
approx. 61 x 36 x 70 cm, handle height 60 cm
approx. 61 x 6,5 x 17 cm
approx. 61?x?46 x 28?cm, seat height approx. 31-35 cm, max. load capacity 25 kg
approx. 62 x 28 x 43 cm, seat height approx. 31-35 cm, max. load capacity 25 kg
approx. 62 x 40 x 60 cm
approx. 63 x 28 x 72 cm, height of the handle: 58 cm
approx. 63 x 32 x 43 cm, play height first bed: 11 cm / second bed: 32 cm
approx. 63 x 50 cm, height: 160 cm
approx. 65 x 13 x 2,5 cm
approx. 65 x 13 x 20 cm
approx. 65 x 22 x 5.5 cm
approx. 65 x 29 x 46 cm, seat height approx. 24 cm max. load capacity 30 kg
approx. 65 x 30 x 78 cm; working height: approx. 46 cm
approx. 66 x 34 x 50 cm, seat height approx. 31-35 cm, max. load capacity 25 kg
approx. 66 x 37 x 57 cm, handle height 57 cm
approx. 66 x 8 x 10 cm
approx. 67 x 15 x 52 cm
approx. 67 x 29 x 47 cm; seat height 27 cm; maximum load 50 kg
Approx. 68 x 23 x 109 cm, worktop: height approx. 51 cm
approx. 7 x 10 x 5 cm
approx. 7 x 2 x 2 cm
approx. 7 x 3 x 10 cm
approx. 7 x 3 x 5.5 cm
approx. 7 x 3,5 x 15 cm
approx. 7 x 3,5 x 2 cm
approx. 7 x 4 x 9 cm
approx. 7 x 5 x 11 cm
approx. 7 x 5 x 5 cm
approx. 7 x 5.5 x 4.5 cm
approx. 7 x 6,5 x 4 cm
approx. 7 x 7 x 72 cm
approx. 7,5 x 2,5 x 5 cm
approx. 7,5 x 2.5 x 5 cm
approx. 7,5 x 3 x 22 cm
approx. 7,5 x 3,5 x 2,5 cm
approx. 7,5 x 4 x 9 cm
approx. 7.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm
approx. 7.5 x 7 x 4 cm
Approx. 7.5 x 8 x 16 cm
approx. 70 x 27 x 67 cm Seat height: approx. 56 cm
Approx. 70 x 29 x 50 cm seat height approx. 28 cm max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 70 x 32 x 70 cm
approx. 70 x 34 x 103 cm, working height: approx. 50/56 cm
approx. 70 x 37 x 90 cm, working height approx. 45 cm
Approx. 70 x 62 cm
approx. 71 x 20 x 52 cm, height up to the ironing board 52 cm
approx. 72 x 34 x 23 cm
approx. 72 x 44 x 93 cm, working height approx. 60 - 70 cm
Approx. 73 x 15 x 1.5 cm
Approx. 74 x 20 x 71 cm; Seat height 50 cm, max. load capacity approx. 35 kg
Approx. 74 x 30 x 67 cm, seat height 45 cm max. load capacity 30 kg
approx. 74 x 30 x 70 cm, seat height approx. 47 cm, max. load capacity 30 kg
approx. 74 x 34 x 121 cm
approx. 74 x 34 x 70 cm
approx. 75 x 32 x 70 cm, seat height approx. 46 cm max. load capacity 30 kg
approx. 75 x 35 x 83 cm, height of the handle: 66 cm
approx. 75 x 36 x 89 cm, working height approx. 45 cm
approx. 75 x 37 x 86 cm, working height approx. 45 cm
approx. 77 x 24 x 5 cm
approx. 77 x 28 x 57 cm, seat height: approx. 33 cm max. load capacity 25 kg
approx. 78 x 11 x 12 cm
Approx. 78 x 34 x 106 cm, worktop: Height: approx. 55 cm
approx. 78 x 40 x 85 cm
Approx. 79 x 41 x 51 cm, seat height approx. 35 cm, maximum weight 50 kg.
approx. 8 x 1,5 x 10 cm
approx. 8 x 10 x 1.5 cm
approx. 8 x 18 x 3 cm
approx. 8 x 4 x 4,5 cm
approx. 8 x 4 x 7 cm
approx. 8 x 4.5 x 11 cm
approx. 8 x 4.5 x 6 cm
Approx. 8 x 5 x 6 cm
approx. 8 x 55 x 14 cm
approx. 8 x 61 x 13 cm
approx. 8,5 x 5,5 x 12 cm
Approx. 8.5 x 4.5 x 6 cm
approx. 80 x 11 x 20 cm
approx. 80 x 11 x 22 cm
Approx. 80 x 22 x 80 cm
approx. 80 x 36 x 50 cm, seat height approx. 38 cm to 43 cm, max. load capacity 100 kg
Approx. 82 x 23 x 3 cm
approx. 82 x 42 x 50 cm, seat height approx. 24 cm, max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 83 x 28 cm x 29 cm, seat height approx. 28 cm, max. load capacity 25 kg
approx. 83 x 33 x 105 cm
approx. 83 x 33 x 82 cm; working height: approx. 50 cm
approx. 84 x 18 x 4 cm
approx. 85 x 32 x 56 cm, seat height approx. from 32 cm to 42 cm max. load capacity 35 kg
approx. 85 x 37 x 50 cm, seat height approx. 37 – 40 cm, max load capacity 30 kg
Approx. 85 x 82 cm
Approx. 87 x 31 x 50 cm; Seat height approx. 30 cm; max. load capacity 25 kg
Approx. 87 x 36 x 51 cm, seat height approx. 36-41 cm, max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 87 x 71 x 88 cm
approx. 87 x 78 x 112 cm, working height approx. 56 cm
approx. 88 x 35 x 93 seat height approx. 67 cm
approx. 88 x 35 x 93 cm Seat height: approx. 69 cm
approx. 88 x 35 x 93 cm seat height approx. 67 cm
Approx. 88 x 93 cm
approx. 9 x 1,5 x 18 cm
approx. 9 x 1,5 x 7 cm
Approx. 9 x 10 x 5 cm
approx. 9 x 11 x 15 cm
approx. 9 x 5,5 x 7,5 cm
approx. 9 x 6 x 0.5 cm
Approx. 9 x 6.5 x 18 cm
Approx. 9 x 7.5 x 9 cm
approx. 9 x 8 x 10 cm
approx. 9 x 8 x 14 cm
approx. 9 x 9 x 17 cm
approx. 9 x 9 x 18 cm
approx. 9,5 x 6 x 17 cm
Approx. 9.5 x 1 x 101 cm
approx. 9.5 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm
Approx. 90 x 12 x 26 cm
Approx. 90 x 26 x 26 cm
approx. 90 x 33 x 98 cm, seat height 68 cm
Approx. 91 x 7 x 1.5 cm
approx. 92 x 73 x 76 cm
Approx. 94 x 30 x 70 cm, seat height: approx. 46 cm max. load capacity 50 kg
approx. 95 x 27 x 36 cm
approx. 99 x 60 x 57 cm, drawbar: 85 cm, seat height 31 cm, max. load capacity 80 kg
approx. 99 x 62 x 93 cm, towbar: 93 cm, seat height 30 cm, max. load capacity 200 kg
aprox. 37 x 23 cm
Assembled approx. 30 x 30 x 29 cm
Assembled approx. 30 x 7 x 5.5 cm
Assembled rails approx. 45 x 59 x 9 cm; Train engine with cars approx. 21 x 3.5 x 5 cm
Assembled rails approx. 45 x 60 x 9.5 cm; Train engine with cars: 21 x 3.5 x 4 cm
Assembled rails approx. 83 x 83 x 20 cm; Fire station approx. 7 x 2.5 x 8.5 cm
Assembled rails: approx. 35 x 27 x 11 cm, train engine approx. 6 x 2.5 x 5 cm
Assembled train approx. 36 x 7 x 9 cm; Hare approx. 3.5 x 1 x 8 cm
Assembled train approx. 56 x 6 x 7 cm
Assembled: approx. 43 x 4 x 7.5 cm
Audi: 11 x 5 x 3 cm
Baby walker approx. 35 x 25 x 42 cm, handle height 38 cm
Bag approx. 17 x 16 cm; King approx. 2.5 x 2.5 x 10 cm
Bag approx. 29 x 10 x 18 cm, Shovel approx. 20 x 7 cm
bag: approx. 24 x 9 x 17 cm, blow-dryer: approx. 12 x 12 x 3.5 cm
Baking tin approx. 14 x 8 x 2.5 cm; Smallest biscuit cutter approx. 4 x 4.5 x 1 cm
Baking tin approx. 19 x 13 x 2.5 cm, spoon approx. 17 x 3.5 cm
Balance seesaw approx. 20 x 2.5 x 12 cm; biggest cookie approx. 4.5 x 2.5 x 4.5 cm
Balance Seesaw: approx. 14 x 2 x 8,5 cm, Height of balance pieces: approx. 3cm, ? ca. 2 cm
Basket approx. 16 x 9 x 8 cm; Kettle approx. 6.5 x 4 x 6 cm
Basket approx. 23 x 16 x 7 cm, bagel height approx. 2 cm, ? approx. 6 cm
Basket approx. 46 x 24 x 12 cm
Bathtub approx. 13 x 4.5 x 11 cm, duck approx. 4.5 x 1 x 5 cm
Bed: approx. 14 x 11 x 4 cm, closet: approx. 7,5 x 3,5 x 12 cm
Bed: approx. 52 x 29 x 33 cm, box: approx. 49 x 28 x 13 cm
bells ring: approx. 14 x 9.5 x 2.5 cm
belt approx. max. 90 x 14 cm, hairdryer approx. 10 x 3 x 11 cm
Belt: approx. 33 x 13 x 2.5 cm; hammer: approx. 18 x 7.5 x 2.5 cm
Bench approx. 22 x 10 x 12 cm, hammer approx. 5.5 x 3.5 x 16 cm
Bert screw-in figure approx. 9 cm, ? ca. 6 cm
Big rectangular block ca. 3 x 3 x 6 cm, Bert figure approx. 3.5 x 1.5 x 6.5 cm
Bingo Drum approx. 24 x 20 x 15 cm: Chip height: approx. 0.5 cm, ? approx. 1.5 cm
black train: approx. 11 x 3.5 x 5 cm
Block approx. 4 x 4 x 4 cm
Block approx. 5 x 5 x 3 cm
Blue bridge approx. 23 x 4.5 x 6.5 cm; Black train approx. 7 x 3.5 x 4 cm
BMW: approx. 16 x 5,5 x 6 cm, Quad: approx. 11 x 6 x 6 cm
board approx. 24 x 17 x 1 cm
Board with towers: approx. 20 x 16 x 11 cm
Board: 29 x 29 x 1.5 cm; figures: approx. 3.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm
Board: approx. 19 x 16 x 6.5 cm, Cupcake: Height approx. 6 cm, ? approx. 5 cm
Board: approx. 22 x 22 x 0.5 cm, Piece: approx. 4.5 x 3.5 x 0.2 cm
Board: approx. 27 x 21 x 0,5 cm, approx. 2,5 x 4,5 x 0,5 cm
Board: Approx. 30 x 30 x 1.5 cm
Body: approx. 25 x 17 x 8 cm, hose approx. 52 x 18 x 6 cm
Book approx. 12 x 12 x 3 cm, Puzzle pieces approx. 5 x 3 x 0.5 cm each
Book: 15 x 15 cm (opened: 15 x 30 cm); Caterpillar approx. 2 x 4.5 cm; Seahorse approx. 8 x 3 x 8 cm
Bottle height approx. 12 cm, ? approx. 4 cm, cocoa approx. 4 x 3.5 x 8 cm
Bow: approx. 87 cm, target: approx. 46 cm
Box approx. 10 x 10 x 2 cm; Game piece height: approx. 0.5, ? approx. 2.5 cm
box approx. 11 x 11 x 3.5 cm; ice cream approx. 3 x 1.5 x 11 cm
Box approx. 15 x 15 x 5 cm
Box approx. 19 x 16 x 4 cm; Praline height: approx. 3 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
Box approx. 19 x 26 x 4.5 cm, hammer approx. 14 x 4 cm
Box approx. 25 x 18 x 1 cm, hammer approx. 14 x 4 cm
Box: approx. 11 x 11 x 5 cm, piece: approx. 4.5 x 4.5 x 0.5 cm
Box: approx. 12 x 12 x 4 cm; Bricks: approx. 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 cm
Box: approx. 16 x 9 x 5 cm, piece: approx. 7 x 3.5 x 0.5 cm
box: approx. 18 x 13 x 4.5 cm, puzzle with globe: approx. 16 x 11 x 0.5 cm
Box: approx. 21 cm; ? approx. 5 cm Bar approx. 18cm; ? approx. 0,3 cm
Box: approx. 21 x 11 x 3 cm, tile: approx. 4.5 x 4.5 x 0.5 cm
Box: approx. 21 x 9.5 x 5 cm, tile: approx. 7 x 3.5 x 0.5 cm
Box: approx. 24 x 25 x 19 cm Dinosaur: 7 x 1 x 4 cm
Box: approx. 24 x 25 x 19 cm Elephant: approx. 7 x 1 x 5 cm
box: approx. 25 x 12 x 14 cm, hammer: approx. 16 x 5.5 x 3.5 cm
Box: approx. 38 x 6.5 x 2.5 cm, Figure: approx. 5 x 2 x 4.5 cm
box: approx. 40 x 10 x 4.5 cm, tile: approx. 3 x 3 x 0.5 cm
Bread approx. 6 x 5 x 6 cm, butter approx. 1 x 7 x 2,5 cm
Bridge: approx. 21.5 x 5 x 10 cm, access ramp: approx. 23 x 4 x 1 cm
Broom: 57 x 20 x 3 cm; dustpan: approx. 19 x 15 x 10 cm
Building: approx. 30 x 22 x 16 cm, Tower approx. 18 x 12 x 24 cm
Bunk beds: approx 12 x 5.5 x 11 cm, rocking horse: approx. 8 x 5 x 6 cm
Bus approx. 24 x 20 x 18 cm; Insert pieces height: approx. 3 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
butterfly ca. ca. 3,5 x 2,5 x 0,5 cm
ca. 18 x 9,5 x 15 cm
ca. 22 x 6 x 5,5 cm
ca. 26 x 10.5 x 4.5 cm
ca. 26 x 13 x 23 cm
ca. 3 x 0,5 x 22 cm
ca. 32 x 30 x 23 cm
ca. 4,5 x 10 x 3 cm
ca. 74 x 20 x 71 cm; Seat height 50 cm, max. load capacity approx. 35 kg
Cake incl. plate: approx. 13 x 9 x 8 cm, knife: approx. 11,5 x 1 cm
Cake on board height approx. 5cm, ? approx. 16 cm; piece of cake approx. 6 x 6 x 2.5 cm
Cake with figurine: height approx. 16 cm, ? approx. 16 cm; Cake platter: height approx 1 cm, ? approx. 20 cm
Candle holder approx. 7.5 x 7.5 x 0.5 cm, Candle length: approx. 6.5 cm, ? approx. 1 cm
Car approx. 13 x 6 x 6 cm
car transporter with supporter: approx. 31 x 4.5 x 5.5 cm, Peugeot: approx. 7 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm
cart approx. 32 x 20 x 50 cm, popsicle approx. 8 x 3 x 1 cm, working height: 23 cm
Cascading tower approx. 12 x 9.5 x 25 cm, small vehicle approx. 3 x 3 x 1 cm
Case approx. 19 x 7 x 13 cm; Saw approx. 19 x 6 x 1.5 cm
Case approx. 25 x 11 x 23 cm, tea kettle approx. 13 x 8 x 8,5 cm
Case: approx. 19 x 13 x7 cm Set of teeth: 10 x 6 x 2 cm.
cash register approx. 14 x 16 x 10 cm, bill approx. 9 x 5 cm
Castle approx. 48 x 32 x 28 cm, knight approx. 7 x 4.5 x 1 cm
Castle: Approx. 13 x 1.5 x 16 cm; Horse: Approx. 6 x 1.5 x 5 cm
Castle: Approx. 26 x 8 x 26 cm
Caterpillar approx. 10 x 2 x 4.5 cm, Seahorse approx. 8 x 3 x 8 cm
Caterpillar approx. 29 x 6.5 x 7 cm
Caterpillar: approx. 8.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm
cement mixer approx. 7 x 5 x 6 cm, roller approx. 12 x 6 x 6 cm
Chalkboard: approx. 15 x 12 x 0.5 cm
Chest approx. 11 x 9 x 6 cm
Circle: Height: approx. 0.3cm, ? approx. 5 cm
closed approx. 31 x 27 x 26 cm, opened approx. 61 x 14 x 26 cm
Closed approx. 33 x 9 x 13 cm; Extended approx 44 x 9 x 13 cm; Transporter 12 x 9 x 10 cm; Cars 8 x 3.5 x 4 cm
Closed box approx. 24 x 12 x 3 cm; Figure height: approx. 3 cm, ? approx. 2 cm
closed height approx. 2.5 cm, ? approx. 5.5 cm
Closed set approx. 25 x 11 x 19 cm, Open set approx. 41 x 25 x 19 cm
Closed set approx. 25 x 11 x 19 cm; Open set approx. 41 x 25 x 19 cm
Closed: approx. 20 x 11 x 22 cm opened: approx. 43 x 26 x 22 cm
Closed: approx. 20 x 11 x 22 cm, opened: approx. 42 x 27 x 22 cm
Closed: approx. 23 x 11 x 20 cm opened: approx. 45 x 23 x 20 cm
Closed: approx. 23 x 11 x 20 cm, opened: approx. 43 x 23 x 20 cm
Clown: approx. 18 x 0.5 x 26 cm
Club: approx. 12 x 3.5 x 63 cm
Cocoa approx. 4 x 3.5 x 8 cm, yoghurt height approx. 4,5 cm, ? approx. 5 cm
combine harvester: approx. 9.5 x 3.5 x 4.5 cm
Complete train approx. 42 x 8 x 13 cm
Complete vehicle approx. 10 x 7.5 x 8 cm, Driving part approx. 5 x 4 x 2.5 cm
Complete vehicle approx. 10 x 7.5 x 8 cm; Driving part approx. 5 x 4 x 2.5 cm
Completed puzzle approx. 19 x 18 x 9.5 cm; Puzzle piece approx. 9 x 7.5 x 1 cm
Concrete mixer: approx. 17 x 5 x 7 cm, truck: approx. 12 x 3 x 5 cm
Container height approx. 6 cm, ? approx. 22 cm; Donut height: approx. 1.5 cm, ? approx. 5 cm
Container terminal approx. 32 x 38 x 24 cm, container ship approx. 25 x 8.5 x 7 cm
Cork board approx. 24 x 17 x 1 cm; Hammer approx. 14 x 4 cm
Cork board approx. 30 x 21 x 1 cm
Cradle approx. 49 x 29 x 29 cm; Pillow approx. 45 x 23 cm, play height approx. 23 cm
Cream height approx. 8.5 cm, ? approx. 4.5 cm, vanilla approx. 4 x 1 x 5 cm
Crib approx. 19 x 5.5 x 17 cm; Smallest figurine: approx. 5,5 x 1 x 4,5 cm
Croissant approx. 8,5 x 4 x 1,5 cm, round roll height: approx. 3 cm, ? approx. 5 cm
crossroad approx. 21 x 21 x 1 cm traffic lights approx. 3,5 x 3,5 x 13 cm
Cube approx. 3.5 x 3.5 x 15 cm
Cube: approx. 6.5 x 6.5 x 6.5 cm
Cup height approx. 11 cm, ? approx. 8 cm
Cupcake: approx. 5,5 cm, ? approx. 4,5 cm
diameter: 10 cm
diameter: 6,50 cm
Die: approx. 4 x 4 x 4 cm
Dimensions when closed approx. 51 x 31 x 95 cm, length when open approx. 100 cm, working height approx. 54 cm
Display approx. 15 x 15 x 43 cm necklace approx. 20 x 2 x 0.5 cm, bracelet approx. 6.5 x 2 x 0.5 cm
Display approx. 20 x 20 x 47 cm necklace approx. 20 x 2.5 x 0.5 cm, bracelet approx. 6.5 x 2.5 x 0.5 cm
Display approx. 20 x 25 x 6 cm; Excavator approx. 9.5 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm
Display approx. 45 x 19 x 73 cm; train: approx. 7 x 3 x 5.5 cm
Display: approx. 20 x 7,5 x 36 cm
Display: Approx. 25 x 11 x 27 cm Figure: Approx. 6 x 3 x 12 cm
dog approx. 6.5 x 5 x 7 cm, plane approx. 6.5 x 4 x 6.5 cm
Doll approx. 15 x 10 x 40 cm, Blanket approx. 27 x 27 cm
Doll approx. 42 x 20 x 11 cm; Potty approx. 9 x 9 x 7 cm
Doll's pram approx. 61 x 36 x 75 cm; Height up to the grip 57 cm
Doll: approx. 23 x 12 x 43 cm
Doll: approx. 24 x 10 x 41 cm
doll: approx. 40 x 23 x 12 cm
dragon approx. 10 x 8.5 x 9 cm, unicorn approx. 6 x 9 x 11 cm
Drum height approx. 12 cm, ? approx. 17 cm; Drumstick length: approx. 20 cm, ? approx. 2 cm
Drum: approx. 15 x 15 x 4,5 cm Guitar: approx. 54 x 17 x 5 cm
Drum: Height: approx. 10cm, ? approx. 21 cm
Each stilt 14.5 x 11 x 8 cm, max. load capacity 50 kg
eggs: approx. 4 x 4 x 6 cm; hats: approx. 3,5 x 3,5 x 2 cm
Elephant approx. 13 x 13 x 16 cm, cow approx. 12 x 12 x 19 cm
elephant approx. 13 x 4 x 6 cm, giraffe approx. 5 x 2.5 x 14 cm
elephant approx. 13 x 5 x 5 cm, pig: approx. 11 x 5 x 5 cm
Elephant approx. 14 x 8 x 12 cm
Farm: approx. 25 x 48 x 29 cm; hay bales: approx. 5.5 x 3 cm
Farmhouse closed approx. 24 x 12 x 15 cm; Cow approx. 6.5 x 2 x 5 cm
Farmhouse: approx. 25 x 8 x 26 cm
Figure height approx. 11 cm, ? approx 4.5 cm
figure height approx. 5.5 cm; ? approx. 4 cm
figure height approx. 9.5cm; ? approx. 4 cm
Figure: approx. 3,5 x 3,5 x 8 cm , Ball approx. ? 4 cm
figurine: approx. 6 x 4 x 2 cm
fire truck: approx. 10 x 3 x 6 cm
fire truck: approx. 11 x 4,5 x 4,5 cm, helicopter: approx. 15 x 5,5 x 3 cm
fire truck: approx. 8 x 3.5 x 5.5 cm, police car: approx. 7 x 3.5 x 4.5 cm
Flour packaging: approx. 8 x 3 x 11 cm, Spoon approx. 13 x 4 x 0.5 cm
Flying Dinosaur: approx. 18 x 30 x 12 cm T-Rex: approx. 20 x 15 x 21 cm
Folded together approx. 48 x 14 x 118 cm
Fork approx. 12 x 2 x 0.5 cm, Plate height approx. 1 cm, ? approx. 14 cm
fox approx. 11 x 4.5 x 11 cm, elephant approx. 12 x 5 x 10 cm
Freight depot approx. 27 x 15 x 16 cm; Crane approx. 14 x 8.5 x 19 cm
fretsaw: approx. 28 x 14 x 2,5 cm / incl. 5 saw blades / 2 wooden boards: approx. 15 x 0,3 x 15 cm / 1 carbon paper
Frog length approx. 15 cm, ? approx. 5 cm, ladybug length approx. 14 cm, ? approx. 5 cm
Frog spinning top approx. 4.5 x 4 x 5 cm
from approx. 4,5 x 3,5 x 6 cm to approx. 3,5 x 3,5 x 12 cm
game approx. 6.5 x 6.5 x 2 cm
Game board approx. 20 x 20 x 1 cm, Game piece height: approx. 4.5 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
Game board approx. 20 x 20 x 1.5 cm; Chess piece height: Approx. 3.5 cm, ? approx. 1 cm
Game board approx. 22 x 22 x 1 cm; piece approx. 3 x 3 x 1.5
Game board approx. 26 x 18 x 4 cm; Game piece approx. 10 x 5 x 0.5 cm
Game board approx. 29 x 8.5 x 1 cm; Game piece height: approx. 3 cm, ? approx. 5.5 cm
giraffe: approx. 27 x 17 x 25 cm, zebra: approx. 15 x 20 x 28 cm
Girl approx. 12 x 8 x 34 cm, Boy approx. 12 x 8 x 30 cm
Girl: approx. 14 x 0.5 x 27 cm
Grandmother approx. 12 x 10 x 3 cm
Guitar: approx. 53 x 17 x 5.5 cm
Hammering bench approx. 18 x 7.5 x 15 cm; Hammer approx. 17 x 5 x 2.5 cm
Head ? approx. 3 cm
Height approx. 0.2cm, ? approx. 5 cm
Height approx. 1.5 cm, ? approx. 20 cm, Pawn height approx. 4 cm, ? approx. 1.5 cm
Height approx. 1.5 cm, ? approx. 20 cm, Pawn height approx. 4.5 cm, ? approx. 1.5 cm
Height approx. 1.5 cm, ? approx. 21 cm
Height approx. 1.5 cm, ? approx. 5.5 cm
Height approx. 1.5 cm, ? approx. 7.5 cm
Height approx. 1.5cm, ? approx. 25 cm
Height approx. 10 cm, ? approx. 3.5 cm
Height approx. 10 cm, ? approx. 8.5 cm
Height approx. 11 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
Height approx. 11 cm, ? approx. 4.5 cm
Height approx. 11 cm; ? approx. 4.5 cm
height approx. 12 cm; ? approx. 23 cm
Height approx. 13 cm, ? 7.5 cm
Height approx. 13 cm, ? approx. 15 cm
Height approx. 13 cm, ? approx. 9 cm
height approx. 13cm; ? ca. 4.5 cm
Height approx. 14 cm, ? approx. 5.5 cm
Height approx. 16 cm, ? approx. 15 cm
Height approx. 19 cm, ? approx. 10 cm
Height approx. 19 cm; ? approx. 5 cm
height approx. 2,5 cm, ? approx. 21 cm
height approx. 26 cm, ? approx. 18 cm, wooden spheres: ? approx. 4,5 cm
Height approx. 28 cm, ? approx. 16 cm
Height approx. 3 cm, ? approx. 4,5 cm
Height approx. 3,5 cm; ? approx. 5,5 cm
Height approx. 3.5 cm, ? approx. 5.5 cm
Height approx. 37 cm, ? approx. 16 cm
Height approx. 4 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
Height approx. 4.5 cm, ? approx. 18 cm
Height approx. 4.5 cm; ? approx. 5 cm
Height approx. 5 cm; ? approx. 3.5 cm
Height approx. 5.5 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
Height approx. 5.5 cm, ? approx. 6 cm
Height approx. 5.5 cm; ? approx. 5.5 cm
Height approx. 6 cm; ? approx. 22 cm
Height approx. 6.5 cm, ? approx. 7.5 cm
height approx. 6.5cm; ? approx. 3 cm
Height approx. 63 cm, ? approx. 30 cm, height of the board 17 cm
Height approx. 7 cm, ? approx. 23 cm
Height approx. 8 cm, ? approx. 18 cm
Height approx. 8 cm, ? approx. 22 cm
Height approx. 8.5 cm, ? approx. 6 cm
Height approx. 9 cm, ? approx. 4.5 cm
Height approx. 9 cm, ? approx. 5 cm
Height approx. 9 cm, ? ca. 4,5 cm
Height of stacking tower: approx. 12 cm, ? approx. 8.5 cm
Height of top approx. 4cm, ? approx. 6 cm
Height: approx. 13 cm, ? ca. 9 cm
Height: approx. 13cm, ? approx. 10.5 cm
Height: approx. 24 cm, ? ca. 18 cm
Height: approx. 26 cm, ? ca. 24 cm
height: 1,5 cm, ? approx. 7,5 cm
height: 14 cm, ?: 10 cm
height: 15 cm, ?: 7 cm
height: 5 cm, ?: 38 cm
height: 5 cm, ?: 4 cm
height: 9 cm, ?: 8,5 cm
Height: approx. 1 cm, ? approx. 37 cm
Height: approx. 1.5 cm, ? approx. 5.5 cm
Height: approx. 10 cm, ? approx. 20 cm, length drum sticks approx. 18 cm.
Height: approx. 10cm, ? approx. 7.5 cm
Height: approx. 11 cm, ? approx. 9 cm
Height: approx. 13 cm, ? approx. 9 cm
Height: approx. 13 cm, ? ca. 5 cm
height: approx. 13cm, ? approx. 16 cm
height: approx. 14 cm, ? approx. 17 cm
Height: approx. 15 cm, ? approx. 11 cm
Height: Approx. 15 cm, ? approx. 8 cm
Height: approx. 16 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
height: approx. 18 cm, ? approx. 5 cm
height: approx. 18 cm, ? approx. 10 cm
height: approx. 18 cm, ? approx. 4,5 cm
Height: approx. 19cm, ? approx. 10 cm
height: approx. 2,5 cm, ? approx. 25 cm
height: approx. 2,5 cm, ? approx. 46 cm
Height: approx. 2,5cm, ? approx. 18 cm
Height: approx. 21 cm, ? approx. 17 cm
Height: approx. 23cm, ? approx. 18 cm
Height: approx. 23cm, ? approx. 22 cm
Height: approx. 25 cm, ? approx. 7,5 cm
Height: approx. 3.5 cm, ? approx. 6 cm
height: approx. 4,5 cm, ? approx. 15 cm
Height: approx. 47cm, ? approx. 39 cm, height of the board: 32 cm
Height: approx. 4cm, ? approx. 4 cm
height: approx. 5.5 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
Height: approx. 51 cm, ? approx. 40 cm
Height: approx. 6 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
height: approx. 6 cm, ? approx. 6 cm
height: approx. 6 cm; ? approx. 3 cm
height: approx. 8 cm, ? approx. 5,5 cm
Height: approx. 8 cm, ? approx. 6 cm
height: approx. 8 cm, ? approx. 8 cm
height: approx. 9,5 cm, ? approx. 12 cm
Helicopter: approx. 11 x 7 x 6 cm, pylon height: approx. 3.5 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
helicopter: approx. 28 x 9,5 x 16 cm / aeroplane: approx. 25 x 39 x 13 cm
horse approx. 4.5 x 4.5 x 11 cm, dog approx. 4.5 x 4.5 x 9 cm
Horse: approx. 13 x 3 x 9,5 cm, cat: approx. 7 x 1 x 6 cm
Horse: approx. 20 x 2.5 x 15 cm
house approx. 116 x 38 x 123 cm, bed approx. 29 x 11 x 22 cm
house approx. 13 x 17 x 15 cm, ball ? ca. 5 cm
House approx. 22 x 22 x 16 cm
House when closed: approx. 55 x 36 x 60 cm; bunk bed: approx. 12 x 5.5 x 11 cm
House: approx. 12 x 1.5 x 10 cm; Cow: approx. 4.5 x 1.5 x 3.5 cm
House: approx. 20 x 16 x 15 cm; keys: approx. 7.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm
Ice cream cone: approx. 10,5 cm, ? approx. 5,5 cm
Ice cream holder height approx. 5.5 cm, ? approx. 15 cm; Ice cream height approx. 9 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
Ice cream truck approx. 30 x 16 x 15 cm; Small figurine height: approx. 9 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
Ice creme height approx. 5.5 cm, ? approx. 5.5 cm, bottle height: approx. 12 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
jar: approx. 9 x 9 x 3 cm
Jug: ca. 13 x 8 x 9 cm, cup: ca. 7 x 5 x 4 cm
Kettle approx. 11 x 7 x 7.5 cm; Cup approx. 5.5 x 4.5 x 3 cm
Kit: approx. 29 x 6 x 26 cm; Syringe: approx. 13 x 4 x 2.5 cm
Kitchen approx. 13 x 5.5 x 10 cm; Toilet approx. 3 x 3 x 3.5 cm
kitchen approx. 90 x 30 x 90 cm; working height: approx. 50 cm
Kitchenette: approx. 12 x 5 x 12 cm, refrigerator: approx. 4 x 4 x 9 cm
Knife approx. 13 x 3 x 0.5 cm; Carrot height approx. 11 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
Ladder approx. 13 x 14 x 24 cm
Large bowl height approx. 5.5 cm, ? approx. 9 cm; Small bowl height approx. 4.5 cm, ? approx. 7 cm
Large crane approx. 40 x 38 x 44 cm, Small crane approx. 10 x 10 x 26 cm
Large cube: approx. 12 x 12 x 12 cm Dog: approx 5,5 x 4,5 x 1,5 cm
Large cylinder: Length: approx. 6 cm, ? approx. 3 cm, Sandman: approx. 6.5 x 4 x 1 cm
Large doll approx. 11 x 4.5 x 3 cm, small doll approx. 9 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm
Larger doll approx. 31 x 27 x 6.5 cm, smaller doll approx. 27 x 26 x 6 cm
Larger elk approx. 28 x 6 x 30 cm, smaller elk approx. 17 x 5 x 19 cm
Largest arch approx. 36 x 5 x 18 cm; Ball ? approx. 4.5 cm
Largest box approx. 36 x 26 x 18 cm; Smallest box approx. 26 x 16 x 14 cm
Largest building block approx. 6 x 3 x 3 cm, smallest block approx. 3 x 3 x 1,5 cm
Largest building block approx. 9 x 3 x 1.5 cm, smallest block approx. 4 x 2 x 2 cm
Largest building block approx. 9 x 3 x 1.5 cm, smallest block approx. 4 x 3 x 3 cm
Largest building block approx. 9 x 3 x 3 cm, smallest block approx. 3 x 3 x 3 cm
Largest building block, approx. 6 x 3 x 3 cm; Smallest building block, approx. 3 x 3 x 1 cm
Largest building block, approx. 9 x 3 x 1.5 cm; Smallest building block, approx. 3 x 3 x 1 cm
Largest cube approx. 13 x 13 x 13 cm
largest cube approx. 14 x 14 x 14 cm, smallest cube approx. 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 cm
Largest cube approx. 15 x 15 x 15 cm, smallest cube approx. 6.5 x 6.5 x 6.5 cm
Largest dinosaur approx. 15 x 9 x 12 cm; Smallest dinosaur approx. 13 x 5 x 8 cm
Largest piece, approx. 11 x 2 x 0.5 cm; Smallest piece, approx. 4.5 x 4.5 x 0.5 cm
Laundry rack approx. 43 x 30 x 64 cm, Working height 64 cm
Lawn mower approx. 55 x 38 x 52 cm; Whole motor block: height approx. 14 cm, ? approx. 18 cm; handle height: 50cm
Lenght approx. 7 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
lenght: approx. 10 cm
Length approx. 116 cm, ? approx. 20 cm
Length approx. 12 cm, ? approx. 2 cm
Length approx. 13 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
Length approx. 17 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
length approx. 19 cm, ? approx. 5,5 cm
Length approx. 20 cm, ? approx. 2 cm
Length approx. 20 cm, ? approx. 6 cm
Length approx. 22 cm, ? approx. 6 cm
Length approx. 23 x 13 x 21 cm, ? approx. 4 x 1,5 x 7 cm
Length approx. 245 cm
Length approx. 33 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
Length approx. 4 cm, ? approx. 4.5 cm
Length approx. 5 cm, ? approx. 5.5 cm
Length approx. 5.5 cm, ? approx. 4.5 cm
Length approx. 6 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
Length of the rope: approx. 140 cm, swing: approx. 45 x 27 x 30 cm max. load capacity 30 kg
length: 10 cm width: 7 cm height: 7 cm
length: 2 cm width: 9,50 cm height: 9,50 cm
length: 24 cm width: 25 cm height: 30 cm
length: 28,50 cm width: 13,50 cm height: 2,20 cm
length: 3,50 cm width: 3,30 cm height: 4 cm
length: 3,50 cm width: 3,50 cm height: 2 cm
length: 3,50 cm width: 3,50 cm height: 3,50 cm
length: 4 cm width: 4 cm height: 4,50 cm
length: 4,50 cm width: 3,50 cm height: 4 cm
length: 4,50 cm width: 3,70 cm height: 3 cm
length: 4,50 cm width: 6 cm height: 5,50 cm
length: 5 cm width: 4,50 cm height: 5 cm
length: 5 cm width: 5,50 cm height: 6,60 cm
length: 5,30 cm width: 5,30 cm height: 6 cm
length: 5,30 cm width: 8,20 cm height: 12 cm
length: 5,50 cm width: 4,50 cm height: 4,50 cm
length: 5,50 cm width: 5 cm height: 6 cm
length: 5,50 cm width: 5,50 cm height: 6 cm
length: 6 cm width: 6 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 6 cm width: 7 cm height: 8 cm
length: 6,50 cm width: 5,50 cm height: 6 cm
length: 6,50 cm width: 6,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7 cm width: 5,50 cm height: 6,50 cm
length: 7 cm width: 6,50 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 7 cm width: 6,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7 cm width: 7 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 7 cm width: 7 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7 cm width: 7 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 7 cm width: 7 cm height: 9 cm
length: 7 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 7 cm width: 8 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7 cm width: 8 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 7 cm width: 8,20 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7 cm width: 8,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7 cm width: 9,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7,30 cm width: 7 cm height: 8,30 cm
length: 7,30 cm width: 8,90 cm height: 8,10 cm
length: 7,40 cm width: 6,30 cm height: 7,80 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 15,50 cm height: 19 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 6,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 6,50 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 7 cm height: 7 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 7 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 7 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 8,20 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 9 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 8 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 8 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 7,50 cm width: 8 cm height: 8,80 cm
length: 7,60 cm width: 6,50 cm height: 8,20 cm
length: 7,60 cm width: 7,90 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7,70 cm width: 6,70 cm height: 8 cm
length: 7,70 cm width: 8,20 cm height: 8,30 cm
length: 7,70 cm width: 8,50 cm height: 9,20 cm
length: 7,90 cm width: 6,70 cm height: 8,20 cm
length: 8 cm width: 4,50 cm height: 11,50 cm
length: 8 cm width: 6 cm height: 7 cm
length: 8 cm width: 6,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 8 cm width: 6,70 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 8 cm width: 6,70 cm height: 8,20 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7 cm height: 10 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7 cm height: 7 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7 cm height: 7,80 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7 cm height: 8 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7 cm height: 9 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 9 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7,60 cm height: 7,40 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7,60 cm height: 80 cm
length: 8 cm width: 7,80 cm height: 8,30 cm
length: 8 cm width: 8 cm height: 8 cm
length: 8 cm width: 8 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 8 cm width: 8,50 cm height: 7 cm
length: 8 cm width: 8,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 8 cm width: 8,50 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 8 cm width: 9 cm height: 7,90 cm
length: 8 cm width: 9 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 8,10 cm width: 6,90 cm height: 9 cm
length: 8,10 cm width: 7 cm height: 8,30 cm
length: 8,10 cm width: 8 cm height: 8,10 cm
length: 8,20 cm width: 7,10 cm height: 9,60 cm
length: 8,20 cm width: 7,40 cm height: 8,30 cm
length: 8,20 cm width: 7,60 cm height: 8,10 cm
length: 8,30 cm width: 6,80 cm height: 9,10 cm
length: 8,30 cm width: 7,20 cm height: 8,10 cm
length: 8,30 cm width: 8 cm height: 8,20 cm
length: 8,30 cm width: 8,30 cm height: 8,30 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 6 cm height: 7 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 6,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 6,50 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 6,60 cm height: 8,90 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 7 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 7 cm height: 8,10 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 7 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 9 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 8 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 8 cm height: 8 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 8,50 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 8,50 cm width: 8,80 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 8,60 cm width: 8 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 8,80 cm width: 8,20 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 8,90 cm width: 8 cm height: 8,30 cm
length: 82 cm width: 85 cm height: 78 cm
length: 9 cm width: 10 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 9 cm width: 6 cm height: 7 cm
length: 9 cm width: 6,70 cm height: 7,80 cm
length: 9 cm width: 7 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 9 cm width: 7,50 cm height: 9,50 cm
length: 9 cm width: 8,50 cm height: 8 cm
length: 9 cm width: 8,50 cm height: 8,50 cm
length: 9 cm width: 9,30 cm height: 7,50 cm
length: 9,50 cm width: 7 cm height: 8 cm
length: 9,50 cm width: 7 cm height: 8,50 cm
Length: approx. 215 cm
Length: approx. 225 cm
Length: approx. 250 cm
Length: approx. 26 cm, ? approx. 4.5 cm
Length: approx. 290 cm
Length: approx. 3 cm, ? approx. 1.5 cm
Length: approx. 7 cm, ? approx. 2.5 cm
length: approx. 72 cm, ? approx. 2 cm
Length: approx. 8 cm, ? approx. 6.5 cm
Length: approx. 92 cm, ? approx. 22 cm
Letter: approx. 6.5 x 3 x 6 cm
Lion approx. 12 x 6.5 x 12 cm, giraffe approx. 10 x 7.5 x 16 cm
Locomotive shed approx. 11 x 10.5 x 12 cm, points track: approx. 14.5 x 9 x 1 cm
Locomotive: approx. 6.5 x 3 x 4 cm, sign: approx. 3.5 x 2.5 x 8 cm
Locomotive: approx. 8 x 3.5 x 5 cm; carriage: approx. 7 x 3.5 x 3.5 cm
Long straight track approx. 21.5 x 4 x 1 cm, long bend approx. 17.5 x 4 x 1 cm
Lunchbox approx. 19 x 7.5 x 15 cm; Yogurt height approx. 5.5 cm, ? approx 5.5 cm
Mailbox: approx. 18 x 15 x 30 cm, Letter: approx. 12 x 8 cm
Manger: Approx. 23 x 12 x 16 cm, Figure: Approx. 3 x 4 x 8 cm
Marble run approx. 36 x 10 x 35 cm; Marbles ? approx. 4.5 cm
Mercedes: 11 x 5 x 3 cm
Mercedes: 7 x 2 x 2,5 cm
Mouse: approx. 3 x 1.5 x 6 cm, elephant: approx. 4.5 x 1.5 x 3,5 cm
Mouth organ approx. 11 x 3 x 2 cm, flute length approx. 33 cm, ? approx. 3,5 cm
Mouth organ approx. 13 x 3 x 2 cm, flute approx. approx. 21 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
Mushroom: approx. 7 x 6 x 2 cm, carrot: approx. 10 x 4.5 x 2 cm
Music Box height: approx. 6cm, ? approx. 12 cm, character height: approx. 5,5 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
Music box: Approx. 10 x 10 x 7 cm; Figurines: Approx. 3 x 3 x 5 cm
Necklace approx. 20 x 2 x 0.5 cm, bracelet approx. 6.5 x 2 x 0.5 cm
Necklace approx. 20 x 2.5 x 0.5 cm, bracelet approx. 6.5 x 2 x 0.5 cm
needle approx. 11 x 1 cm
Net approx. 43 x 17 x 7 cm, mallets approx. 43 x 4.5 x 2 cm
Number field 30 x 8 cm; Tiles ? ca. 2.5 cm
Olive oil bottle height approx. 11 cm, ? approx. 3 cm, mustard approx. 4 x 2 x 9 cm
Oven approx. 28 x 16 x 12 cm, Pizza height: approx. 2 cm, ? approx. 15 cm
Owl: Approx. 7 x 5.5 x 2 cm, rod: length: approx. 14cm, ? approx. 0.8 cm
package: approx. 4,5 x 5 x 2 cm / approx. 30 x 30 cm
Packaging: approx. 28 x 20 x 8 cm
Packaging: approx. 33 x 23 x 6 cm
Paddle approx. 25 x 15 x 2 cm
Pan approx. 27.5 x 16 x 3 cm; Banana slices approx. 1 cm, ? approx. 4 cm
Pirate: approx. 15 x 0.5 x 26 cm
Pitcher height approx. 10cm, ? ca. 7,5 cm, cup height: approx. 5cm, ? ca. 5 cm
Pizza height approx. 1,5 cm, ? ca. 20 cm, onion height: approx. 1cm, ? ca. 3,5 cm
plane: approx. 15 x 13 x 2,5 cm
Plate height approx. 1 cm, ? approx. 14 cm; Meat height: approx. 1 cm, ? approx. 6.5 cm
Plate: approx. 0.5 cm, ? approx. 11.5 cm, knife, fork: approx. 11 x 3.5 x 1 cm
Play store approx. 20 x 13 x 22 cm; ice cream wagon approx. 11 x 3 x 8,5 cm
Playing field approx. 102 x 28 x 1.5 cm, Bowling pin height: approx. 5 cm, ? approx. 1.5 cm
Playing field approx. 85 x 85 cm, pawn height: approx. 0.5 cm, ? ca. 5 cm
playing field: approx. 29 x 29 x 1.5 cm, game piece: approx. 3 x 2.5 x 1 cm
Police bus approx. 30 x 15 x 16 cm; Figurine height: approx. 9 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
Police bus approx. 9.5 x 3 x 4.5 cm
police car: approx. 12 x 3,5 x 4,5 cm, helicopter: approx. 15 x 5,5 x 3 cm
Porsche: approx. 7.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm, Hummer: approx. 7.5 x 3 x 3 cm
pot height approx. 8cm, ? approx. 9.5 cm, cutlery approx. 13 x 3 x 0.5 cm
Press animal, height: ca. 12cm, ? ca. 4,5 cm
Pull-along animal approx. 14 x 6 x 17 cm, height of the shape-fitting cube approx. 10cm, ? ca. 12 cm
Pull-along car approx. 22.5 x 11.5 x 13.5 cm; Big Bird figure (the biggest one) approx. 3.5 x 1 x 6 cm
Pull-along toy: approx. 21 x 16 x 15 cm, string length: approx. 59 cm
Pull-along toy: approx. 29 x 17 x 14 cm, string length: approx. 59 cm
Puzzle board approx. 30 x 1 x 22 cm, puzzle piece Elmo approx. 11.5 x 2 x 14 cm
Puzzle board approx. 30 x 1 x 22 cm; Elmo puzzle piece approx. 10 x 2 x 12 cm
Puzzle board approx. 30 x 1 x 22 cm; Elmo puzzle piece approx. 5.5 x 2 x 9.5 cm
Puzzle box approx. 18 x 13 x 3 cm, Puzzle no. 5 (the biggest one) approx. 11 x 11 x 0.5 cm
Puzzle overall: approx. 12 x 2 x 9 cm
puzzle piece: approx. 14 x 12 x 0.5 cm, figure: approx. 8 x 4 x 1 cm
Puzzle piece: approx. 14 x 12 x 0.5 cm, figurine: approx. 8 x 4 x 1 cm
Puzzle: approx. 22 x 22 x 1 cm, puzzle piece: approx. 6.5 x 6.5 x 0.5 cm
Puzzle: approx. 30 x 22 x 1 cm, puzzle piece: approx. 6.5 x 3.5 x 0.5 cm
puzzle: approx. 30 x 22 x 1.5 cm, bus: approx. 11 x 3 x 7.5 cm
Puzzle: approx. 30 x 40 x 1 cm, Sicilia: approx. 8 x 6 x 0.5 cm
Puzzles approx. 30 x 22 x 1,5 cm
Racing car approx. 20 x 4.5 x 10 cm
Rails assembled approx. 43 x 43 x 15 cm; Train engine approx. 6 x 3 x 4.5 cm
Rainbow approx. 15 x 1 x 9 cm, Cookie Monster figure (the biggest one) approx. 5 x 1 x 7 cm
Ramp: approx. 5.5 x 4 x 1 cm, Bumper: approx. 5.5 x 4 x 3 cm
Recorder: Length: approx. 20 cm, ? approx. 2.5 cm, tambourine: Height: approx. 4.5 cm, ? approx. 15 cm
Recorder: Length: approx. 32 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
Register approx. 17.5 x 25 x 17 cm; Scanner approx. 5 x 5 x 10 cm
Ring approx. 13 x 34 cm, bottle height: approx. 18 cm, ? approx 6 cm
Road section approx. 22 x 10 x 0.5 cm; race cars approx. 8.5 x 4 x 3.5 cm
Rod height approx. 47cm, ? approx. 1 cm, dragon approx. 16 x 16 x 10 cm
Rod height approx. 47cm, ? approx. 1 cm, unicorn approx. 9 x 18 x 10 cm
Round pralines: approx. 1.5 cm, ? approx. 4.5 cm, square pralines: approx. 4 x 4 x 1.5 cm, lollipop: approx. 7.5 x 3.5 x 1 cm
Run element: approx. 22 x 4 x 4.5 cm, figure: approx. 7 x 6 x 1 cm
Sandwich: approx. 7.5 x 7.5 x 5.5 cm, knife: approx. 12 x 1 cm
saucepan: approx. 19 x 10 x 7 cm, pot: approx. 15 x 10 x 7 cm
School bus: Approx. 12 x 6 x 7.5 cm
scorpion approx. 10 x 4 x 9 cm, crab approx. 6 x 4.5 x 8 cm
Screw: approx. 7 x 2 x 2 cm
Serving tray approx. 30 x 17 x 0.5 cm, Pieces of cake approx 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm each
Shape-fitting cube, height approx. 15cm, ? ca. 15 cm, Formed piece approx. 3 x 3 x 3 cm
Shield: Approx. 25 x 35 x 0.5 cm Sword: Approx. 45 x 9 x 0.5 cm
Shopping basket approx. 24 x 16 x 10 cm, tuna fish height approx. 2,5 cm, ? approx. 5 cm
Shovel approx. 70 x 11 cm, Rake approx. 70 x 16 cm
Shower: approx. 7 x 5.5 x 12 cm, bath tub: approx 12 x 5 x 5.5 cm
Single puzzle: approx. 12 x 6 x 0.5 cm
Single puzzle: approx. 18 x 6 x 0.5 cm
Sofa: approx. 13 x 5,5 x 3,5 cm, lamp: approx. 12 cm, ? ca. 3,5 cm
sport crossbow: approx. 33 x 2 x 12 cm, target: approx. 30 x 30 x 0,5 cm
sport crossbow: approx. 52 x 56 x 4 cm, target: approx. 30 x 30 x 0,5 cm
Square block approx. 3 x 3 x 3 cm; rectangular block approx. 6 x 3 x 6 cm
square: approx. 15 x 15 cm, length of the string: approx. 75 cm
stand: height approx. 14 cm; ? approx. 19 cm; ice cream: height approx. 11 cm, ? approx. 4,5 cm
stand: height approx. 25 cm; ? approx. 19 cm; muffins: height approx. 6 cm, ? approx. 6 cm
Stand: height approx. 26 cm, ? approx. 19 cm, candies: approx. 4 x 1 x 8 cm, 4 x 4 x 12 cm
Station: approx. 40 x 23 x 28 cm train approx. 27 x 3 x 5 cm
Steering wheel height: approx. 9 cm, ? approx. 30 cm
Stick approx. 15 cm
Stick: approx. 4,5 x 4,5 x 12 cm
street lamp: approx. 2,5 cm x 2,5 cm x 8,5 cm
Suitcase approx. 20 x 7 x 18 cm fabric approx. 24 x 22 cm
Suitcase approx. 20 x 7 x 18 cm, knitting needle approx. 21 cm
Sweets-glass approx. 7 x 6 x 9 cm
Swing: ? approx. 110 cm, Hanging ropes, length approx. 180 cm, max. load capacity 150 kg
Sword with sheath approx. 60 x 9 x 5 cm; Sword blade approx. 41 x 2.5 x 0.5 cm
Table approx. 7.5 x 5.5 x 4 cm; Teacher approx. 6.5 x 4 x 3 cm
table: approx. 22 x 22 x 21 cm, chair: approx. 13 x 13 x 27 cm seat height 12 cm
Table: approx. 44 x 23 x 25 cm, sticks: approx. 20 x 1.5 cm
Tambourine height approx. 4.5 cm, ? approx. 15 cm; Rattle approx. 14 x 9 x 2.5 cm
Target: approx. 42 x 42 cm, Bow: approx. 80 x 14 x 3,5 cm
Target: approx. 42 x 42 cm; bow: approx. 73 x 12 x 3,5 cm
Taxi approx. 16 x 4.5 x 9 cm
Teapot with lid: approx. 12 x 6,5 cm, cup: approx. 7 x 4 cm
Telescope approx. 31 x 9 x 10 cm
Tent: Approx. 15 x 1.5 x 10 cm; Seal: Approx. 4.5 x 1.5 x 5.5 cm
Tent: approx. 22 x 22 x 25 cm Figure: approx. 4 x 2 x 8.5 cm
terminal: approx. 18 x 16 x 20 cm / ship: approx. 14 x 6 x 5 cm
The biggest cube approx. 12 x 12 x 12 cm; smallest cube approx. 9 x 9 x 9 cm
tool belt: approx. 30 x 12 x 2,5 cm
Toolbox approx. 28 x 12 x 16 cm, work surface 16 cm
Total approx. 47 x 5 x 13 cm
Total length approx. 225 cm, Grip approx. 13 x 7 x 3.5 cm
Total length train approx. 33 x 3 x 5 cm, engine: 11 x 3 x 5 cm
Touching wall approx. 40 x 18 x 20 cm; Apple height: Approx. 6 cm, ? approx. 5 cm
Tow truck approx. 10 x 3 x 4.5 cm
tower approx. 13 x 13 x 46 cm, car approx. 8 x 3 x 4,5 cm
tower approx. 14 x 14 x 73 cm, smallest cube approx. 5 x 5 x 5 cm
Tower approx. 7.5 x 7.5 x 12 cm
Tower height approx. 10cm, ? approx. 7.5 cm; slice height: approx. 1cm, ? approx. 6 cm
track: approx. 7,10 m / assembled: approx. 270 x 100 cm
Tractor approx. 19 x 9.5 x 10 cm, trailer approx. 16 x 8.5 x 6 cm
Tractor approx. 9 x 8 x 10 cm, Trailer approx. 14 x 10 x 5.5 cm
Tractor: approx. 15 x 11 x 9.5 cm, trailer: approx. 19 x 11 x 8 cm
Tractor: approx. 28 x 15 x 21 cm, xylophone: approx. 28 x 11 x 1.5 cm
Train engine approx. 21 x 3 x 6 cm
Transporter: total approx. 29 x 9 x 11 cm, cow: approx. 7 x 1.5 x 5 cm
Tray approx. 24 x 14 x 1 cm; angular cookie approx. 5 x 5 x 1.5 cm
Tray: Approx. 57 x 38 x 32 cm
Tree approx. 16 x 7.5 x 17 cm; Animal approx. 4 x 1 x 5 cm
Variable length: 69.5 - 89.5 cm, max load capacity 50 kg
Vehicle approx. 13 x 7 x 10 cm
Vehicle approx. 30 x 15 x 15 cm; figurine height: approx. 9 cm, ? approx. 3 cm
Vehicle approx. 30 x 16 x 15 cm; Parcel approx. 4 x 3 x 2.5 cm
Waterfall: approx. 16 x 1.5 x 11 cm, fox: approx. 5 x 1.5 x 5 cm
Whole Transporter approx. 32 x 7 x 17 cm; Car approx. 7.5 x 4 x 4.5 cm
With clip: approx. 25 x 4 x 2 cm
Wooden board approx 17 x 14 x 1 cm; Animal approx. 4 x 5 x 1 cm
Wooden Book: approx. 18 x 15 x 2 cm, Fox: approx. 7 x 7.5 x 1.5 cm
wooden figure approx. 7 x 2 x 2 cm
Workbench approx. 24 x 9 x 9 cm, Height of wooden cylinders: approx. 5.5 cm, ? ca. 2 cm
Workbench approx. 45 x 30 x 85 cm; working height: approx. 47 cm
Wounded approx. 1 x 1 x 34 cm, bottle height: approx. 18 cm, ? approx 6 cm
xylophone approx. 18 x 16 x 3,5 cm flute length approx. 20 cm, ? approx. 2,5 cm
Xylophone approx. 27 x 12 x 4.5 cm, rattle length approx. 18 cm, ? approx. 6 cm
xylophone approx. 36 x 13 x 2,5 cm, drum height approx. 4,5 cm, ? approx. 18 cm
Xylophone ca. 36 x 11 x 6 cm, stick length: ca. 20 cm, ? ca. 1,5 cm
Xylophone: approx. 26 x 17 x 2 cm, egg: Length: approx. 7.5cm, ? approx. 4.5 cm
Yoyo height approx. 3.5cm, ? approx. 6 cm
Ø4,2 x 21 cm
Ø5,3 x 2,8 cm
⌀ 51 x 28 mm
13.5 cm
300 cm
32.5 cm
Outer Carton Dimensions
27 X 23 X 53
32 X 32 X 17.5
37.5 X 29 X 31
43 X 34.5 X 42.5
46.5 X 29. X 41
59.5 X 40 X 32
Box dimensions
32,0 x 25,0 x 48,0 cm
32,0 x 30,5 x 30,5 cm
33,7 x 17,8 x 47,6 cm
40,0 x 18,0 x 45,1 cm
40,0 x 32,0 x 38,0 cm
40,6 x 34,0 x 49,5 cm
45,1 x 21,3 x 42,5 cm
48,0 x 30,0 x 41,0 cm
49,2 x 21,0 x 42,5 cm
54,5 x 36,5 x 33,0 cm
Dimensiuni pachet
40 × 50,5
6 x 6 x 6 cm
o 13 × 15
¤ 25
ABS plastic
bamboo fibre, PP
chalk, paper
Cretă / Hârtie
EVA / Plastic
EVA foam
Fier / Plastic
Lemn / Bumbac
Lemn / Plastic
material: polyester filling: polyester fibers inside: PVC film
material: polyester filling: polyester fibers
material: polyurethane filling: polyester fibers
material: polyurethane filling: synthetic material
material: PVC
material: synthetic material
non-woven 80 g/m2
pine wood
Plastic / Poliester / Metal
Plastic and metal
plastic, PVC, PP
plush, felt, polyester
polyester 190T
Polypropylene, Polyvinylchloride
PS, nylon
recycled cardboard
synthetic material
velvet, plastic
wood, metal
wood, plastic
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Stoc descrescator
Lunch Break Play Set
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Cuttable Snack Set in a Suitase
Stoc total: 50
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Compact Marble Run
Stoc total: 50
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Chalkboard Building Blocks
Stoc total: 50
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Doll's House 3-storey Palace, rotatable
Stoc total: 50
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Railway Set
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Shapes and Colours Motor Skills Game
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Shopping Basket with Branded Products
Stoc total: 50
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Mailbox with Accessories
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Biscuits Baking Set
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Breakfast Picnic Basket
Stoc total: 50
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Cuttable Wedding Cake
Stoc total: 50
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Microwave for Play Kitchens
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Doctor's Kit Play Set
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Car Transporter Premium
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Rocking Unicorn with Sound
Stoc total: 50
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Unicorn Hanging Costume
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Horse XL with Sound, brown
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Horse XL with Sound, black
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Standing Hobby Horse with Sound, black
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Gardening Bag
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Bath Book Set with Figurines
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Bath Animal Set
Stoc total: 50
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Slide Rule To Go
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Counting Sticks
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Small Abacus
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Shopping Trolley
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Emergency Doctor's Kit
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Graceful Children's Play Kitchen
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
Compact Play Kitchen
Stoc total: 50
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Dancing Dog
Stoc total: 50
Adauga in cos
total produse
Ultimele produse vizualizate
Wooden buttons
Bird Table