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Promotionale de iarna Pachete gourmet de Craciun Promotionale ECO Promotionale WOW Textile Office Umbrele Genti & Calatorie Accesorii bauturi Sport & Timp Liber Vezi mai multe
Wooden croquet set
Cod: 8620710
€36.78 + TVA SALE -38%

€59.31 + TVA

Stoc extern 1: 360 buc.
Termen de livrare: 3-4 zile lucratoare

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Beautifully crafted 4 player wooden croquet set that includes 4 croquet hammers, 4 balls and 10 metal hoops. Simply place the hoops in a prefered position and make two teams. One team plays 2 designated balls and the other team play the other 2. If one team succeeds to hit the ball through a hoop they get another strike. If not: it’s the other team turn. The winner is the team who manages to score all hoops with both balls. Hammer head and balls are made from Pine wood and handle and pins from Eucalyptus wood. Presented in a cotton pouch with rule book.
Te rugam sa ne contactezi pentru a afla metoda ideala de personalizare.
Material Wood
Color brown
Length 78 cm
Width 17 cm
Height 1 cm
Dimensions 78 x 17 x 1 cm
Weight 1580 g
Packaging Type Gift box
Packaging Length 77.5 cm
Packaging Width 12 cm
Packaging Height 9.5 cm
Packaging Dimensions 77.5 x 12 x 9.5 cm
Outer Packaging Length 79.5 cm
Outer Packaging Width 38 cm
Outer Packaging Height 21 cm
Outer Packaging Dimensions 79.5 x 38 x 21 cm
Outer Packaging Quantity 6

Modalitati de plata:
- prin OP, fila CEC sau BO avalizat;
- cu cardul online;
- ramburs (pentru comenzi mai mici de 5000 lei - TVA inclus);
- numerar sau cu cardul la sediu.

Modalitati de livrare:
- ridicare de la sediu (detalii contact);
- livrare Go Media sau prin curier in Lugoj (gratuit);
- livrare in tara (te rugam solicita costul unui consultant - detalii contact).

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