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Promotionale de iarna Pachete gourmet de Craciun Promotionale ECO Promotionale WOW Textile Office Umbrele Genti & Calatorie Accesorii bauturi Sport & Timp Liber Vezi mai multe
4-in-1 Multifunctional Table
Cod: 5300269
€143.33 + TVA
Stoc extern 1: 50 buc.
Termen de livrare: 15 zile lucratoare

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This multifunctional game table comes with four games! Thanks to its interchangeable game surfaces, it can be easily transformed from a billiards table to a ping-pong table, an air hockey table or a football table. The included cues are made of wood and can be chalked up with the included chalk. Two plastic paddles and a ball go with the ping-pong table. For the air hockey game, the score can be kept with the sliding points counter. The long table legs make it perfect to be played on while standing on its own. A versatile games table that promises to bring something new and belongs in every game room or party cellar.
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Dimensions Assembled approx. 79 x 47 x 80 cm; Puck length: approx. 5 cm, ? approx. 5 cm, working height: 32 cm (short table legs) / 79 cm (long table legs)
Recommended Age from 5 years
Packaging box
Weight incl. Packaging per kg 19,45

Modalitati de plata:
- prin OP, fila CEC sau BO avalizat;
- cu cardul online;
- ramburs (pentru comenzi mai mici de 5000 lei - TVA inclus);
- numerar sau cu cardul la sediu.

Modalitati de livrare:
- ridicare de la sediu (detalii contact);
- livrare Go Media sau prin curier in Lugoj (gratuit);
- livrare in tara (te rugam solicita costul unui consultant - detalii contact).

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