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Promotionale de iarna Pachete gourmet de Craciun Promotionale ECO Promotionale WOW Textile Office Umbrele Genti & Calatorie Accesorii bauturi Sport & Timp Liber Tehnologie & Accesorii Vezi mai multe
Promotionale de iarna Pachete gourmet de Craciun Promotionale ECO Promotionale WOW Textile Office Umbrele Genti & Calatorie Accesorii bauturi Sport & Timp Liber Vezi mai multe
Auto Repair Shop with Petrol Station
Cod: 5880057
€31 + TVA
Stoc extern 1: 50 buc.
Termen de livrare: 15 zile lucratoare

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Here, it's all about service with a smile! Aspiring young auto mechanics will definitely get their money's worth with this auto repair shop from our small foot world playworld! This auto repair shop made of wood and stable plastic parts comes with a car wash, a mechanic, a taxi, tools, and an auto lift. And here's a special highlight: the tank nozzles are attached with a magnet and can be removed from the petrol pump - just like at a real petrol station! So let's go: park the taxi on the roof and open the gate to drive down the ramp. The mechanic will check your car on the auto lift, makes repairs with his screwdriver and wrenches, and as a special service, you get a free car wash. Then, off you go with a full petrol tank! Thanks to the many different ways to play with it, including together with other small foot world products, this auto shop is a real winner in the children's room!
Te rugam sa ne contactezi pentru a afla metoda ideala de personalizare.
Dimensions approx. 52 x 22 x 26 cm, filling station: approx. 9 x 3 x 7 cm
Recommended Age from 3 years
Packaging small foot-coloured box
Set 13 parts
Weight incl. Packaging per kg 1,85

Modalitati de plata:
- prin OP, fila CEC sau BO avalizat;
- cu cardul online;
- ramburs (pentru comenzi mai mici de 5000 lei - TVA inclus);
- numerar sau cu cardul la sediu.

Modalitati de livrare:
- ridicare de la sediu (detalii contact);
- livrare Go Media sau prin curier in Lugoj (gratuit);
- livrare in tara (te rugam solicita costul unui consultant - detalii contact).

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