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Promotionale de iarna Pachete gourmet de Craciun Promotionale ECO Promotionale WOW Textile Office Umbrele Genti & Calatorie Accesorii bauturi Sport & Timp Liber Vezi mai multe
Stone Peeble Wireless Power Bank 9000 mAh, grey
Cod: 5249141
€39.63 + TVA
Stoc extern 1: 632 buc.
Termen de livrare: 7-10
Stoc intern: 1 buc.
Termen de livrare: imediata

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Stone Power Bank Peeble has now been updated with a wireless charging function allowing its users to charge mobile devices right on-the-go without using any additional cables. It saved its unique ‘stone touch’ design that looks stylish and makes it feel like a real stone when placed in your hands.

With Stone Wireless Power Bank you can charge your devices wirelessly up to 4 times plus it has both Micro USB and USB Type-C connector integrated in it for Android and IPhone mobile devices.

This is a unique device with the most modern characteristics and a widely demanded function of wireless charging of mobile devices.

High performance wireless interface
Effective protection and control system for both wireless interface and two high-power standard outputs.
Popular USB Type-C and Micro USB connectors.
Repeatedly tested thin, but durable surface for wireless charging of a smartphone is very convenient for placing a logo and advertising information.
Important note:
Press the button on the power bank to start wireless charging. One of the four lights will flash red. Place the smartphone on the power bank (the side with the button), charging will begin. It will stop automatically when you remove the smartphone from the power bank.
Size: 13х8,1х3,3 cm; gift box: 16x11x4,8 cm
Material: plastic
Inputs: 5V, 2000 mA
Outputs: 5V, 2000 mA
Capacity: 9000 mAh
Package includes:
- powerbank
2-in-1 cable with Micro-USB, USB Type-c and iPhone Lightning connector
- gift box
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Modalitati de plata:
- prin OP, fila CEC sau BO avalizat;
- cu cardul online;
- ramburs (pentru comenzi mai mici de 5000 lei - TVA inclus);
- numerar sau cu cardul la sediu.

Modalitati de livrare:
- ridicare de la sediu (detalii contact);
- livrare Go Media sau prin curier in Lugoj (gratuit);
- livrare in tara (te rugam solicita costul unui consultant - detalii contact).

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