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Promotionale de iarna Pachete gourmet de Craciun Promotionale ECO Promotionale WOW Textile Office Umbrele Genti & Calatorie Accesorii bauturi Sport & Timp Liber Tehnologie & Accesorii Vezi mai multe
Promotionale de iarna Pachete gourmet de Craciun Promotionale ECO Promotionale WOW Textile Office Umbrele Genti & Calatorie Accesorii bauturi Sport & Timp Liber Vezi mai multe
Cod: 7740796
€0.29 + TVA
Stoc extern 1: 10000 buc.
Termen de livrare: 7-10 zile lucratoare

Ai nevoie de un promotional custom made, care sa fie personalizat cu mesajul sau brandul tau in cele mai mici detalii?

Consultant dedicat
Imprimare in atelier propriu
Realizam machetare gratuita
Garantam calitatea imprimarii
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Livrare nationala si internationala
Asiguram depozitarea marfii
The recycled and degradable paper notepad with seeds is a sustainable and creative option for taking notes and leaving messages. It is made from recycled paper, making it an environmentally friendly choice.A unique feature of this notebook is that it contains seeds in its composition. Once you have used all the notes, instead of discarding the paper, you can plant it in the ground. The seeds embedded in the paper will begin to germinate and grow into beautiful plants, creating a positive impact on nature.In addition, the notepad includes 100 sticky notes of different colors, allowing you to organize your messages and highlight important information in a visually appealing way.This notebook is an ideal choice for those who value sustainability and want to contribute to a greener world. You can use it in your home, office or give it to someone special as a gesture of care for the environment.Remember that once you have used all the sticky notes, you can take advantage of the plantable paper and bring new plants to life. In this way, you will be promoting the reuse of materials and the sustainable life cycle of products.
Te rugam sa ne contactezi pentru a afla metoda ideala de personalizare.
Measures [5,4cm/8,2cm/0,3cm]
Weight 4.80 kg g
Composition Papel reciclado
Gender Unisex

Modalitati de plata:
- prin OP, fila CEC sau BO avalizat;
- cu cardul online;
- ramburs (pentru comenzi mai mici de 5000 lei - TVA inclus);
- numerar sau cu cardul la sediu.

Modalitati de livrare:
- ridicare de la sediu (detalii contact);
- livrare Go Media sau prin curier in Lugoj (gratuit);
- livrare in tara (te rugam solicita costul unui consultant - detalii contact).

Urmarirea comenzii tale:
Dupa ce ai inregistrat comanda, poti urmari statusul acesteia in sectiunea "Comenzile mele".

Modifica sau anuleaza comanda:
In cazul in care doresti sa modifici o comanda, te rugam sa contactezi iar colegii nostri vor face tot posibilul sa iti modifice comanda.
Daca doresti sa anulezi comanda, te rugam sa contactezi.

Pentru a plasa un comentariu te rugam sa te autentifici.
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